Jürgen Graf

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Jürgen Graf (born 1951), a Swiss citizen, was born in 1951 in Basel. He studied French, English, and Scandinavian languages at the University of Basel, and then worked for some years as a teacher. After becoming acquainted with the revisionist view of the Holohoax in 1991, he became active in this field. In the years since, he has carried out extensive research in different archives on the Holohoax issue, and has written and lectured extensively on various aspects of it. He is the author and co-author of a number of books and papers on various aspects of the Holohoax issue.[1]

In 1998 he was prosecuted, along with his publisher Gerhard Förster, for "denying" the gas chambers and the six million figure. In July 1998 a Swiss court sentenced him to 15 months imprisonment and to pay a large fine because of his writings. Rather than serve the sentence, in August 2000 Graf went into exile. In 2001 he married a Russian historian in Moscow. He earns his living as a translator.[1]

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