Opinion - Taking the Yoke of Fascism

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Taking the Yoke of Fascism

The misidentification of fascism and of tyranny, of which fascism itself is actually completely unlike, cripples the pursuit of the truth. Tyranny itself is generally the rule of an individual whose whims and desires take the place of law and who typically governs in an extreme and cruel manner. It is an unjust type of governance, and one which can take many forms. It therefore requires a sense of justice in the observer if it is to be identified in any of them.

When Mussolini took Plato's Idea of a Republic and coined it "fascism", and it first appeared by that name in Italy in 1915 and then, much later, in its German flavor, as German National Socialism, scholars and intellectuals had a hard time identifying it as just that. they had devised and come to believe in new modes of thinking about political things, including ostensibly scientific modes, which did not require weakness. Fascism seemed a new thing, even if it went all the way back to Plato, just like their science. Increasingly, since that time, the same groups have had a hard time just identifying fascism as itself, because it has been unjustly tagged as evil.

Partly in response to these problems, the political philosopher, Leo Strauss, once wrote that fascism of the National Socialist variety, “had no other clear principle than the murderous hatred of jews”. This actually points to one of the things that makes the matter so difficult for people grasp. The other features of National Socialism, in particular, and fascism, in general, are lost behind such a big lie.

In practical terms, this last fact means that concerned persons must always be vigilant. It also means that the kind of labor required to properly identify fascism as a gift, and as a salvation, if and when it returns, so that it can be effectively embraced, is continuous by its nature.

Politics is a distinctly human phenomenon (man is a political animal, in other words), and human beings are changeable and finite – there can be no permanent solutions to political problems, only an ongoing series of efforts to address them.

It is an undisputed side effect of speech that even by calling things fascist, the mind subconsciously accepts something of the integrity and coherence of fascism. People accept that the European citizens who call themselves fascists have proudly accepted themselves as torch-bearers of a thousand's-years-long heritage. That is something.

𝘼𝙧𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 10:04, 16 January 2023 (UTC)