Opinion - A fantastic, farcical ingredient

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A fantastic, farcical ingredient

There truly is a fantastic, farcical ingredient, to the way Holohoax numbers are 'calculated'. Maybe 'chucked merrily about' would be a better verb to use. Thus I have been quietly reading, and I'm struck by, firstly, these two books. Book 1) "The dissolution of Eastern European jewry" by Walter N. Sanning (1983) and Book 2) "Dimension des Volkermords" by Wolfgang Benz. (1991)

The first puts the 'unexplained Losses' of European jewry at a total of 300,000. That kind of dovetails in with the (documented) International Red Cross figures of 271,301. The second book however? Puts the total at.... (wait for it, wait for it) (roll of the drums) Six Million jews. Now, respectfully, unfortunately, my tongue stuck firmly in cheek? They cannot both be correct. The second number is TWENTY TIMES larger.

The whole farce ("believe & mourn, or go-to-jail") becomes even more entertaining, when you put another two books together, side-by-side, both published by avowed members of the jewish tribe. Famed, as we all know, for their impartiality, freedom from prejudice, devoid of any agenda, and guaranteed to be careful, conscientious, historical researchers. Interested only in the facts.

Book 3) "The destruction of the European jews" by world famous, highly decorated, la-di-dah Raoul Hilberg (2003)


Book 4) "The war against the jews" by Lucy Dawidowicz.

These two stalwart, much-feted, experts on the tiniest details, may be wholly relied upon, to have stated the solid facts with pin point accuracy. So let's look at their respective figures for the location of Holohoax victims. The distribution per site. they are very close, as you will see below. Not. (Figures are for Book 3 versus Book 4)

Auschwitz 1,000,000 versus 2,000,000 (double) (book 4 wins) (200%)

Treblinka 800,000 versus 800,000 (0 %) (identical) (amazing) (maybe somebody peeked)

Belzec 435,000 versus 600,000 (138% larger) (book 4 wins)

Sobibor 150,000 versus 250,000 (166% larger) (book 4 wins)

Chelmno 150,000 versus 340,000 (more than double bigger) (book 4 wins)

Majdanek 50,000 versus 1,380,000 (EIGHTEEN TIMES larger) (1,800%) (book 4 wins)

Total camp deaths 2,585,000 versus 5,370,000 DOUBLE (book 4 wins) (more than)

But now you got a problem! What happened to the 'Six Million jews'? Oh-my-gosh. We've only got 2,585,000!!

Pah! No problem. Watch this: "Deaths at other locations"?

                            2,515,000   versus 563,000    Book 3 is suddenly FIVE TIMES larger than Book 4...!

Giving a grand total of:

                            5,100,000 versus 5,933,000        (See?  Magick! problem solved!)

I invite the kind reader, in the privacy of his or her quiet mind, to study these numbers.

I then invite you, respectfully, below, to record WHICH version of my summary YOU judge closer to the truth...? The polite, scholarly, academic one. Or t'other one.

A) These numbers show a broad consensus among two famed, well-respected Holohoax scholars, that the total jewish deaths in the Holohoax may be accurately and reliably fixed at between five and six million jewish deaths. There is no problem.


B) These numbers show a wide-ranging divergency, bordering on the cock-a-mamie ludicrous. It's laughable. It is clear these guys are just sucking it out of their thumbs as they go along. In addition, Raoul Hilberg may be wined and dined in Jerusalem, but nobody can forget his screaming-plummeting demise in the Ernst Zundel trial in Canada. The whole 'six million jews' saga is so riddled with make-believe, hocus-pocus, and baloney, that nobody with an ounce of discretion, or bare double digits on the IQ scale?

Should take this tear-jerker, extortionist, play-for-sympathy, cods-whallop?

Remotely seriously.

(I remain,



Moggy Meyrick)