Opinion - Another Holohoax promotion, riddled with lies

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โ€œ "But Irena Sendler was on a mission. She was going to plead with the anguished parents of a six-month-old child. Both parents knew that, sooner or later, they'd be transported to the horrific death camp at Treblinka, where they would be exterminated as part of Hitler's Final Solution. But for them, it was still an agonizing choice to hand over their beloved baby to a stranger..." โ€

—Daily Mail

Another Holohoax Promotion, riddled with lies

I submit that once you even start glimpsing the REAL truth, not the melodrama, you can never un-see it anymore. The fact is that these opportunist, interloper, Khazarian pretend-jews, lie. All the time. Pathologically. Without shame or scruple. they don't care if some wild & lurid Holohoax claim has been soundly de-bunked a million times already. (Treblinka was NOT a 'horrific death camp'. It was a WORK camp. they bent over backwards to keep their workers ALIVE. The 'Final Solution' was NOT 'kill all the jews'. It was move 'em away, anywhere, just AWAY) (Madagascar, Palestine, anywhere but Germany) But? As long as there are Goyim useful idiots willing to believe it? Swallow their pap? Happy-clappies? Bible-belters? Scofield lightweights? Hey-ho! Play it again, Mordechai!

This Daily Wail article follows a well-worn path. Firstly, it presents the Holohoax as a purported, 'universally', 'established fact', that doesn't need explaining to anybody. (Except evildoers and unspeakable Nazis, of course). If you look for it, you will always spot that applied fake tone of utter certainty. You see it on GAB as well. The desired implication being that any right-thinking, moral person, is -of course- "fully in agreement" with the Daily Mail's version of the Holohoax. Well, guess what. Millions of us, millions upon millions of us, are NOT in agreement. And that number is growing daily. Their Holohoax is a pack of lies. But with their near-total control of the laughably misnamed 'Mainstream Media', the interloper pretend-jews can bullhorn propagandize to their black hearts' content. That's one aspect. Remember it's not the 'MSM'. There is nothing 'Mainstream' about it. It's terribly biased propaganda. It's the JSMM. (Joo-stream Mess Media) (Messing with your head). Another aspect is that the opportunist interloper fake jews, really don't CARE if you read the article or not. There are three possibilities, right?


A) you read it, and meekly AGREE. That's cool with them. Hurrah!

B) But most people will shudder, and hurriedly pass on by. they are sick to the back teeth of the endless Holohoax thing. they may have had it rammed down their throats at school. Been taken to compulsory Holohoax exhibits. Been forced to listen to hours of 'Holohoax survivors' tales. (many of whom have been unmasked as total fakes, by the way). The end result? Just like Pavlov's dogs? The bell rings? People see/hear "Holohoax", and don't exactly start slobbering. But just switch off. Move on, quickly. As far as the Khazarian interlopers are concerned? The guys with little to zero 'Semite' blood in their cruel veins? THAT is fine, also. Maybe even better! Hurrah, hurrah! After all, it guarantees that people in category 'B' will never ask questions, do any independent research, or harbor any doubts. And never criticize jews, Israel, their usurious banking, their politics, their ADL, their AIPAC, their eternal wars and their BILLIONS in 'reparations' and 'AID' from American & European taxpayers!

C) the third category? Well, that's us.

To those in category 'B' I would respectfully point out that I sympathize with your frustration, but the Holohoax is being leveraged TODAY, to rob YOU and YOUR PEOPLE of BILLIONS. It is also being used to stifle any and all legitimate, way overdue, criticism of interloper fake-jews, the 'Federal Reserve' (owned by a cozy clique of Khazarian Bankers), the epic corruption in Politics, and endless (super profitable) financing of BOTH sides of every war, for CENTURIES.

You can't pretend you CARE about your children and their future? And just keep on hurrying by...

A final point is that it's just amazing how many Bible Belters have modestly self-assumed prominent positions, sitting at the right hand of God. It's getting really crowded there. I had one just the other day, promising me that unless I immediately agreed that Hitler had murdered and displaced millions of poor jews, God would rain hell fire and damnation down upon on my little Irish head. The fact that I was kind of laughing at him, didn't please him, and he stormed off, in a huff. There goes a typical example of Boomer conceit. I can guarantee you that he knows next to nothing of WW2 History, and nothing of what the Talmud all says about Jesus Christ. It's pretty vile, as it goes.

I submit that many American churches, especially the Evangelicals, have not only NOT served their people well? they have cruelly misled and deceived them.
