A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right in the Words of its Members and Leaders

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A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right in the Words of its Members and Leaders
Author(s) George T. Shaw, Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald, Richard Spencer, Daniel Friberg, Sam Dickson, et al.
Language English
Genre(s) Politics
Publisher Arktos
Publication year 2018
Pages 260
ISBN 191207902X

A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right in the Words of its Members and Leaders is a collection of essays and personal statements by multiple authors, including George T. Shaw, Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald, Richard Spencer, Daniel Friberg, Sam Dickson and others, coming from what was known as the Alt-Right, published in 2018 by Arktos.

Publisher description

Personal perspectives from activists and intellectuals on the front lines of a brutal culture war. Featuring essays by Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer, Kevin MacDonald and many others.

Alt-righters are determined to build a movement that, unlike the mainstream right, can offer meaningful resistance to, and finally rout, the left. -- from the introduction

The Alt-righ is foremost an intellectual movement, but its thinkers are anything but retiring academics. Its members are seldom over 40, often from middle class backgrounds, often college educated, and always on the cutting edge of Internet culture. With their legendary brutal attacks on liberal utopianism, their ability to dominate any social media platforms where they aren’t censored, and more recently, their controversial public demonstrations, the alt-right has become the proverbial elephant in the room of American politics.

Are these merely neo-Nazis with updated packaging, or has this movement, as its members believe, tapped into something more profound? You’ve heard from their detractors. Here is an opportunity to get the information firsthand, and judge for yourself.

I highly recommend this book to people of all political persuasions who want an inside look into the movement and not just the media spin.Paul Ramsey, Popular Vlogger and Political Commentator

The authors of this book remind us of the age-old Western wisdom: the iron laws of race and heredity cannot be wished away. They will soon determine a new cycle in Western history. — Dr. Tomislav Sunic, World-Renowned Author and Diplomat.[1]


Introduction: An Alternative to Failure

I. The Alt-Right in Context

The New Kulaks: Whites as an Enemy Class (Gregory Hood)

A Normie’s Guide to the Alt-Right (Collin Liddell)

From Generation Unto Generation (Sam Dickson)

II. Personal Perspectives

Ground Zero at Charlottesville (Evan McLaren)

Lessons from Homeless Feminists (Melissa Meszaros)

Cut Off the Path of Retreat (Marcus Follin)

Regarding the Insidious Libertarian-to-Alt-Right Pipeline (Jared Howe)

III. Culture Clash

The Last Big Battle of the Civil War (Ethan Edwards)

How the Alt-Right Benefits Women (Bre Faucheux)

Stop Watching Football (Richard Spencer)

IV. The Human Question

Race Realism (Jared Taylor)

The Sexual Prisoner’s Dilemma (Roderick Kaine)

Irreconcilable Differences (Bill Matheson)

The Alt-Right and the jews (Kevin MacDonald)

The European Revolution (Ryan Faulk)

V. Counterrevolution

Metapolitics (Daniel Friberg)

Dismantling Anti-White Newspeak (George T. Shaw)

Addendum: The Alt-Right’s Counter-Revolutionary Lexicon (George T. Shaw)

The Art of the Troll (Alex McNabb)

Physical Removal: More Than a Meme (Augustus Invictus)

Postscript: Think Again, They Are Coming for You



Publication data

  • A Fair Hearing: The Alt-Right in the Words of its Members and Leaders, George T. Shaw, et al., 2018, Arktos, ISBN-10: 191207902X, ISBN-13: 978-1-912079-02-5

External Links
