Anarcho Communism

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Anarcho-Communism is a weird and silly ideology that believes that both Communism and Anarchy can work together. It believes that everyone should own everything in common and that there shouldn’t be borders and that everyone can just do what they want. It is not an ideology to be taken seriously since it really would not work out well as it would cause massive death and destruction. It is an oxymoron because, in a Communist society, the government has to control things and make people work so that everything is shared. And Anarchism is no government, so this would never work. And it’s dangerous because without a government there would be no police to keep safety, and because it goes against how humans naturally behave. Humans are greedy and like to keep what is theirs. This would cause chaos and lots of death. It’s a silly and evil idea.So what would an Anarcho Communist society look like? Well imagine this with no police, where anyone can do whatever crimes they want, no government so no laws, where no one owns anything so you can't own your house or your clothes, where you don't get paid for your work so everyone is poor, where everyone does drugs, It would be absolute chaos. Anarchism and Communism goes against human instincts especially when they get put together. Many people are inherently selfish, and they like to own what is theirs, so taking everything away and making everyone equal goes against how people are naturally. Anarchist type of criminals are also very evil and will cause many deaths without laws to keep them at bay. And since there is no government, they would have an easy time getting away with doing these bad things. Anarchy and Communism is an idiotic ideology that will cause destruction in any nation who tries to implement them especially both of them together. There are particular groups that try to practice this pathetic dangerous ideology like Antifa.