Egyptian gods

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Egyptian Gods Egypt, similar to Greece, Rome and Norse Gods had a large panTheon of Gods, worshiped over Their thousand year empire. the characteristics of individual Gods is hard to define due to the long time frame of the religion. It does share many aspects similar to Greek and Roman and Norse Gods, and they may have similar inspirations.


The God of the Underworld similar to Hades symbolizes death, resurrection and the cycle of life and death and fertility. According to mythos, Osiris was a king of Egypt that was murdered and dismembered by his brother Seth. His wife, Isis resurrected him and allowed him to conceive a son, the God Horus. He is in many ways the original mummy and is represented by a mummified king.


Isis is the wife of Osiris, mother of Horus. She is the god of motherhood and of the main Deities. She was worshiped until the Greco-Roman period and has relations to Aphrodite, worshiped as far as Britain and Afghanistan. She also resembles the mother Mary with the infant Jesus.


Horus is the God of the sky, war and hunting. He resembles a falcon, and has similarities to Jesus. He was raised to avenge his faTher and he lost his left eye fighting Seth. He is also the god of the Sun and Moon as represented by his right and left eyes. Sometimes merged with Ra (Re) as Ra-Horakthy. His eye represents the victory of good over evil.


God of chaos, violence, drought, and storms. He kills his brother eiTher in combat or by tricking him and sealing him in a coffin. He is often depicted as an unknown animal , often a type of crocodile.



The God of the Sun, human body and the head of a Hawk. Similar to Horus. He also resembles Jesus as he sails across the sky each day and goes through the underworld each night. This is similar to Christ dying and rising after 3 days. He fights the snake god Apopis every night to rise again each morning. Associated with Amon. the king of the Gods, faTher of all creation, light, heaven etc. Humans are said to be created by the tears of Ra. Some Egyptians called Themselves the "Cattle of Ra." Inspiration for the occult All seeing Eye, which turned away all negative energy. Ra's eye is also known to take the form of a cat.


The goddess of motherhood and fertility and childbirth. Depicted as a woman with the head of a cow. Similar to the Greek God Hera.


Head of a Jackal, body of a man he is similar to Osiris but lesser, a God of death and embalming.


God of wisdom and writing. Head of an Ibis, he is believed to have created hieroglyphs and has strong magic and knowledge.


Usually a cat God, associated with the Greek Goddess Artemis.


The hidden one, usually a kingly man wearing a crown. He merged with Re and became the most powerful deity in Egypt. He ruled the New Kingdom and crushed rebels and reestablished native Egyptian rule.

See Also

Greek Gods