Islamic State of Iraq and Syria

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The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), often translated as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and accordingly also commonly known as ISIS, is a militant Salafist group that was originally part of al-Qaeda. It is also known as Daesh, which is an acronym derived from its Arabic name. The group has referred to itself as the Islamic State or IS ever since it proclaimed a worldwide caliphate in 2014 and claimed religious, political and military authority over all Muslims worldwide. For a time, it controlled large parts of Iraq and Syria and has or had small territories or otherwise has or had a presence in many other countries.

The group has been designated a terrorist organization by numerous countries and organizations. It has itself claimed responsibility for numerous terrorist attacks, human rights violations, and actions such as destruction of cultural heritages. Over 60 countries are directly or indirectly waging war against ISIS.

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