The French Revolution in San Domingo

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The French Revolution in San Domingo
Author(s) Lothrop Stoddard, Kevin MacDonald (introduction)
Language English
Publisher The Palingenesis Project
Publication year 2011
Pages 454
ISBN 9780956183569

The French Revolution in San Domingo is a 1914 book by Lothrop Stoddard, republished again in 2011, on the effects of the French Revolution in Haiti.

Publisher description

"Originally published in 1914, this was Lothrop Stoddard's first book, and a very popular one in its day. It was also his PhD thesis, defended at Harvard University at a time when the science of human biodiversity, and eugenics, was at its height. The book is about race: specifically, the race war that took place in San Domingo during the 1790s, triggered by the revolutionary events in France; that resulted in the island's independence, following fifteen years of chaos and bloody conflict; and that, through the victory of the values of liberty, equality, and brotherhood so ardently desired by the Jacobins, resulted in the famously dysfunctional republic of Haiti we know today.

Stoddard details not only the events that took place in what was once one of the most prosperous colonies in the New World, but also the complex dynamics resulting from the intersection of race, class, colony, and motherland. Stoddard's portrayal of the Whites is hardly flattering, and it becomes clear in his text how they were the architects of their own misfortunes. Could what happened then and there happen here sometime in the future? Can we legitimately draw parallels between this lost colony and the modern West? This is for the reader to decide.

This new 2011 edition comes complete with a added index (the original text never had one), additional footnotes, modernized references and footnote format, an introduction by Professor Kevin MacDonald, and specially commissioned cover artwork by Alex Kurtagic."

Publication data

  • The French Revolution in San Domingo, Lothrop Stoddard, 2011, The Palingenesis Project, ISBN-13 9780956183569

See also

External links