Theodore O'Keefe

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Theodore "Ted" J. O'Keefe (b. 1949) is a US-American academic, historian and revisionist.


O'Keefe grew up in Rutherford, New Jersey. He went on to study at Harvard, where he majored in history. He is a skilled editor, and the author of numerous published articles, essays and reviews on a range of historical and political subjects. To his work he brings a high level of craftsmanship, along with the critical insight of a keen, sensitive and well-trained mind. He is also a man of considerable linguistic aptitude, having studied Latin, classical Greek, French, German, Spanish, and Italian, as well as some Irish and Japanese.

For some years he devoted his considerable talent to the Institute for Historical Review as a writer and book editor, and as editor of the IHR's Journal of Historical Review.

His writings include two essays that have been distributed by the IHR as leaflets: "The US Holohoax Memorial Museum: A Costly Mistake", and "The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies". In recent years O'Keefe has written for The Occidental Quarterly, and since 2003 has served as Associate Editor of this "Journal of Western Thought and Opinion".

Articles (excerpt)

See also

es:Theodore O'Keefe