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Blackwashing is a term for casting a Black actor for a character that is in real history or in the original fictional story not Black.

"Whitewashing" is a term for when an analogous casing occurs in favor of Whites. Today, Blacks characters are very rarely played by White actors, and if they do, this is often strongly protested, unlike when White characters are played by Blacks, one of many politically correct double standards. When Whitewashing occurs today, this mostly involves instances such as characters of (partly) Asian or Amerindian ancestry being played by Whites, and even this occurs rarely. Anti-White Wikipedia has an article on Whitewashing, but not on Blackwashing.

Blackwashing has even occurred in images on recent book covers, such as for Alice in Wonderland, Moby Dick, The Secret Garden, The Count of Monte Cristo, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Emma, The Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, Treasure Island, Frankenstein, The Three Musketeers, and Romeo and Juliet.

"What’s far more insidious is the claim that there have always been non-whites in the West. The implication is that since they have always been here, why not let in more? It also means whites that if whites can’t have a homogeneous past, they certainly can’t have a homogeneous future."[1]

See also

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