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File:Thomas Huxley's map of racial categories from On the Geographical Distribution of the Chief Modifications of Mankind (London, 1870).png
Thomas Huxley's map of racial categories from On the Geographical Distribution of the Chief Modifications of Mankind (London, 1870)

Ethnopluralism, or ethno-pluralism, is an anti-supremacism ideology that supports the right of all people to their uniqueness, identity, and continued existence. This includes the right to a territory, country, or, region.


The term was first coined by German sociologist Henning Eichberg in 1973. The concept is associated with the European New Right, although the term itself may not necessarily have been used all those arguing for such and similar views. Related terms include "differential anti-racism" and "right to difference". There are related differences regarding views, such as between Alain de Benoist and Guillaume Faye.

Ethnopluralists assert the principle of "right to difference" and argue for regional ethnic or racial separatism (the plurality of ethno-identities). It is therefore multiculturalism in the sense of multiple cultures or ethnicities existing in a country, but seperated in their own enclaves, to safeguard those differences. It sharply differs to liberal multiculturalism in the sense it opposes intermarriage between different ethno-enclaves. Ethnopluralists argue that liberal multiculturalism is false, as it promotes a melting pot which leads to the disappeance of ethnicities, cultures or races through miscegenation and therefore is in fact monoculturalism. Most ethnopluralists are federalists, regionalists or communitarians believing that each ethno-enclave should be entitled to autonomy and their own laws. Daniel Friberg has stated that

"Ethnopluralism is rooted in the simple idea that every unique ethnicity has the right to govern itself, on territory which has historically belonged to it. This idea is accepted without argument for practically every ethnicity on the planet except for Western ethnicities; in Western countries, multiculturalism is the dominant paradigm. Multiculturalism holds that cultures and ethnicities can and should be freely intermixed in liberal societies, each somehow magically keeping to its distinct traditional ways and respecting the rights of every other to do the same. Ethnopluralism sees the absurdity in this. In liberal states, different ethnicities will of course always engage in identity politics, using politics to benefit their kind at the expense of everyone else. Vastly different ethnicities that are brought to live side by side either violently clash with each other on account of their irreconcilable differences, or else they homogenise and lose everything which is characteristic to them. The only way that ethnicities and cultures can be truly preserved is by maintaining the physical distances and the national boundaries that separate them. This is as true in the West as anywhere on Earth, and it is the core meaning of ethnopluralism – the true multiculturalism."[1]

List of Ethnopluralists

See also
