Heinz Linge

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Heinz Linge (23 March 1913 – 9 March 1980) was a Waffen-SS officer and a member of the 1st SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler. Linge was one of Adolf Hitler's valets. At the end of the war, he became a Soviet prisoner. He was released in 1955.

Regarding a Soviet report on Hitler with Linge as a stated source, see the article on Otto Günsche.

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Its weak and faggy. Somebody copied it over from some woke SJW source, and now its namby-pamby wording is gaying up our program.

|Please help FasciPedia by strengthening this article up, get rid of the weak style. It should be written in a professional encyclopedia, style while still retaining the fascist point of view.