Jack Johnson

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John Arthur Johnson (1878 – 1946), known as Jack Johnson, was the first Black heavyweight boxing champion.

Johnson has been romanticized in fictional depictions, which leave out less politically correct aspects and that has made him a heroic victim of racism.

A jury found Johnson guilty on seven separate counts for violating the Mann Act, which prohibited transporting a woman across state lines “for immoral purposes.” Johnson had traveled with a prostitute. US President Donald Trump pardoned Johnson posthumously in 2018.

Other controversies include regarding his preference for White women, infidelities, accusations of domestic abuse against his first wife who committed suicide, insults and cruelty against opponents, the legitimacy of Johnson winning and later losing the champion title, and his death in an automobile accident with Johnson often having been cited for speeding and reckless driving. See the "External links" section.

External links

See also