Master Race Myth

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The Master Race Myth is a false conspiracy theory that there is a superior race in National Socialism which is a complete misconception that is a result of many people not truly understanding the ideology and what it stands for. In fact, there never was any sort of belief of a superior race or master race in National Socialism, the ideology advocates for a preservation of the races and a united front for all races to live together harmoniously and equally in a united ethno-state. The superior race myth is used to demonize National Socialism and to spread mis-information to the public.

origin of the term "Master Race"

The term was used by the allied powers to falsely spread that the Germans were taking others captive and killing them because they did not have "blue eyes" or "blonde hair" seeing as they are required to "look like everyone else" in Hitlers Third Reich or else they would have gotten persecuted. Up till this day it is used and taught in schools to make white kids feel guilty of themselves and for the media to shame whites of them being born as "White supremacists" and "racists".


National Socialists back in Hitlers Germany never believed in racial supremacy, they treated everyone like their own and was fair to them. Hitler had different races in his army not just Aryan men.