The Political Cesspool

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the logo image used by The Political Cesspool

The Political Cesspool is an American White Fascist and Christian talk radio program that was founded and first broadcasted on October 26, 2004 by James Edwards who owns and runs the podcast. The purpose and goal of the show is to serve as a voice for the oppressed.


The Political Cesspool are known to be a Christian group that puts faith in and supports Jesus Christ. They are cultural conservative because they believe that the group have certain morals to which they adhere.


Since family is the foundation of any strong society, The Political Cesspool fully rejects abortion rights, feminism, Communism, Anarchy, interracial marriage, immigration, and homosexuality.

They wish to revive the White birthrate above replacement level of fertility and beyond to grow the percentage of Whites in the world relative to other races. The America they know would not be a prosperous land of opportunity if the founding stock were not Europeans. Therefore, they advocate for the abolishment of immigration. The Political Cesspool is also for private property rights as they come for their God-given right to life and self ownership.

They believe issues such as education, environmental law, and police should be decentralized down to the lowest level to insure natural rights and efficiency. They state that the United States government should be independent of any international organization of governments and American law should not be imposed by organizations such as the United Nations.

They wish for the American governments to stop interfering politically, militarily, and socially outside of the borders of the United States of America. They want non-interventionism which means primary control of America’s institutions (business, educational, government, media, theological, etc.) which should remain under the control of paleoconservative traditionalists.
