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Wunderwaffe (German for "Wonder Weapon") is a term used to describe superweapons National Socialist Germany manufactured during and before World War II, which were superior to the weapons used by any other country. Most of the wonderweapons were unable to have any influence upon the outcome of war, due to several reasons, which are described below.


  • Type XXI U-boot Submarine (German Electric boat). The first submarine that was capable of being underwater of a longer period of time. 118 were build, but came too late to have influence in the war. After the war they were used by serveral other countries; (France, USSR, UK and USA)
  • Graf Zeppelin and FlugzeugtrΓ€ger B Aircraft carriers. Never completed.
  • Conversation of SS Europa Aircraft carrier. Would be 30 meters longer than the Graf Zeppelin. Never completed.
  • Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte Supertank. 35 meters long, 11 meters high, with a weight of 1000 tons, armed with two 280mm cannons. Planned, one 280mm cannon was reserved.
  • Heinkel He 176 Jetaircraft. World's first aircraft to be propelled solely by a liquid-fueled rocket.
  • Horten Ho 229 Jetaircraft. First jetaircraft with the flying wing-concept and first stealthbomber. 3 build. USA based the B-2 Spirit on this plane.
  • Aggregate 4 (V2 Rocket) Ballistic missle. First ballistic missle. Over 5.200 build.
  • Schwerer Gustav Super-heavy artillery. Railway siege guns, 47,3 meters in length, 1350 tons in weight, equiped with a 800mm gun. 2 build.
  • Sturmgewehr 44 Assaultrifle. First assaultrifle. 425.977 build. After the war model for the AK-47.
  • Sturmgewehr 45 Assaultrifle. Successor of the Sturmgewehr 44. 30 prototypes build.

See also

External links

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