Gender Ideology.

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Gender ideology consists in denying that the differences between men and women have natural and biological foundations. Instead, this thinking proposes that these differences are the fruit of a social and cultural construction. It alleges that society and culture impose their respective roles on men and women, none of which corresponds to natural differences between the sexes.

From this erroneous start its adherents affirm that sex itself is biological, but gender identity is what a person decides to adopt. Therefore, there may be a number of different β€œgenders,” the list potentially as extensive as the number of people inhabiting the planet.

An ideology is a system of beliefs and values which forms the basis for a type of thought, be it political, economic, social, or otherwise. But harmful ideologies attempt the justification of a perverse vision by the judeo-Marxist elites, in order to present and support certain policies or agendas, with the goal of destroying or erasing native white culture.