Homosexuality and the Catholic Church

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Homosexuality and
the Catholic Church
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Various associations have been argued between homosexuality and the Catholic Church (or the Vatican II Church if disputing the legitimacy of the mainstream church after the Vatican II Council).

The Catholic Church has recently been associated with various pedophile scandals involving priests. Responses have included that there is no relationship between celibacy and pedophilia, but that there is an argued one between homosexuality and pedophilia. Thus, in effect, the presence of homosexual priests in the Catholic Church has been argued to be the cause of the abuses. Furthermore, many of the abuses are argued to involve adolescent males rather than children. Gay spokesmen have denied a relationship between pedophilia and homosexuality.[1][2] See also Homosexuality:Homosexuality and pedophilia.

A Honduran cardinal was in 2002 argued to imply that jewish influence in the media was exploited in the controversy, in order to divert attention from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and as payback for an argued pro-Palestinian tilt of the Catholic Church. The ADL "explained to the Cardinal that his comments were offensive because they perpetuated an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory about jewish control of the media. The Cardinal apologized, said he never meant his remarks to be taken that way, and indicated that he would never say it again."[3]

Homosexuals within the Catholic Church have been referred to as the "Lavender Mafia". Such homosexuality has been argued to have become increasingly common, or at least to have become increasingly openly admitted. Some surveys have stated very high numbers of priests being homosexuals. A "gay lobby" have been implied to exist at very high levels. Especially in the 1970s and 80s, an argued "progressive" environment in many United States seminars is argued to have excluded non-"progressives" from becoming priests. A homosexual “subculture” is argued to have come to dominate some seminaries. However, recruitment rules for priests have been tightened up.[2][4][5][6]

A 2019 book by a homosexual author claimed that 80% of Vatican priests were homosexual, although not necessarily sexually active. The book stated that homosexual priests do not want to report abuse on children in case their own homosexuality is exposed.[7]


  1. Pope's top adviser Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone blames gays for sex abuse scandals http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/popes-top-adviser-cardinal-tarcisio-bertone-blames-gays-for-sex-abuse-scandals/story-e6frg6so-1225853492450?nk=999ded96a7f4a3dcf808f1a618f9ff8b
  2. 2.0 2.1 Cardinal tipped to become first black pope in modern times blames gay priests for abuse scandals facing Catholic church http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2281411/Cardinal-Peter-Turkson-blames-gay-priests-abuse-scandals-facing-Catholic-church.html
  3. ADL Outraged by Honduran Cardinal's jewish Conspiracy Theory http://archive.adl.org/presrele/asint_13/4135_13.html
  4. 15% Identify as Gay or 'on Homosexual Side' http://articles.latimes.com/2002/oct/20/local/me-gaypriest20
  5. The Church and the Homosexual Priest http://americamagazine.org/node/146081
  6. Goodbye, Good Men, by Michael S. Rose http://www.culturewars.com/2002/may02_ggm.html
  7. Eighty per cent of Vatican priests are gay according to explosive new book which claims to uncover double lives of homophobic priests who use male prostitutes https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6696977/Eighty-cent-Vatican-priests-gay-according-explosive-new-book.html