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[edit] [purge] Documentation

This template is designed to be used in other message templates. It is derived from Mbox on Wi***edia.

{{Mbox/wikitext}} is the basis for {{Ambox}}, {{Cmbox}}, {{Imbox}}, {{Xmbox}}, {{Tmbox}}, {{Fmbox}}, and {{Ombox}}. The styles for this template can be found at MediaWiki:Mbox.css.


| namespace =
| type  =
| small =
| id    =
| class =
| style =
| textstyle  =
| plainlinks =
| text  =
| issue =
| fix   =
| date  =
| info  =
| image =
| imageright =
| doc =
| cat =


  • namespace - the namespace the box will be used in. If mbox is used where namespace is not specified, the namespace will be determined by where the template is transcluded to.
  • type
    • speedy - speedy delete message box
    • delete - delete message box
    • content - content message box
    • style - style message box
    • notice - general message box
    • protection - protection message box
  • small - a small right floated message box, except Ambox that floats left.
  • id - the id of the box
  • class - any additional classes for the box
  • style - any additional styles for the box
  • plainlinks - if you want all external links to be plain links
  • textstyle - any additional styles for the text
  • text - text of the message box or use the following together
    • issue - the issue of the message box
    • fix - how to fix the message issue
  • date - the date the message box was placed
  • info - additional information for the message box
  • image - image in the left side of the message box
  • imageright - image in the right side of the message box
  • doc - answer yes to this when you are using your Mbox template on a documentation page
  • cat - this is the category your Mbox will put the pages in where it is used


To install these templates to your wiki, copy the file list at the end of this documentation to the export page and save it as an XML file. Then go to your wiki's import page and enter the name of the generated XML file.

Style installation

These instructions are for the administrators of your wiki. If you are not an admin, please talk to them to complete the installation of this template and its children to your wiki.

Copy the styles from the style page to MediaWiki:Mbox.css. After you have the styles copied and saved, go to Common.css and add the following line to the top of the style sheet.

@import url("/load.php?mode=articles&only=styles&articles=MediaWiki:Mbox.css");


Not all options shown.

This wiki has InstantCommons. If you want these images, your wiki's admin will have to request InstantCommons or you will have to upload the images manually.


{{Ambox}} templates are article message boxes.

Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext


{{Cmbox}} templates are category message boxes.

Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext


{{Imbox}} templates are image message boxes.

Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext


{{Xmbox}} are template message boxes. (Tmbox was taken for all talk pages.)

Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext


{{Tmbox}} templates are talk page message boxes.

Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext


{{Ombox}} templates are other pages message boxes.

Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext


{{Fmbox}} templates are footer or header message boxes.

Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext Template:Mbox/wikitext

General deletion boxes

While this section is going show general deletion templates, the principles can be applied to any other namespace neural type of box. Note, namespace is not specified, so the template will take on the style of its name space, meaning it will look like an Xmbox, but they will change their styles when the deletion template is transcluded to a page.

| type = speedy
| image = [[File:Ambox warning pn.png|50px]]
| text = '''This page is a candidate for ''speedy'' deletion.'''
| info = ''Remember to check [[Special:Whatlinkshere/{{FULLPAGENAME}}|what links here]] and [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=history}} the page history] before deletion.''
| doc = yes
| cat = Candidates for speedy deletion


| type = delete
| image = [[File:Ambox warning pn.png|50px]]
| text = '''This page is a candidate for deletion.'''
| info = ''Remember to check [[Special:Whatlinkshere/{{FULLPAGENAME}}|what links here]] and [{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=history}} the page history] before deletion.''
| doc = yes
| cat = Candidates for deletion


Small boxes

These are small boxen that can be used to include unobtrusive messages to pages. Their borders are all narrow so text can flow around these boxen with little affect on the text. If you do not want text beside the box, you should use the <div style="clear:both"></div> directly after the box.

Small Ambox

Template:Mbox/wikitext This is a message box that can be used in a section of an article to highlight issues with the section. It is suggested to use a normal box for problems within the whole article.

Here is the code for the above box.

| namespace = main
| small = yes
| type  = notice
| text  = This is a small article general message box.

Small Cmbox

Template:Mbox/wikitext This is a message box that can be used to highlight minor issues with the category. It is suggested to use a normal box for bigger problems with category.

Here is the code for the above box.

| namespace = category
| small = yes
| type  = notice
| text  = This is a small category general message box.

Small Imbox

Template:Mbox/wikitext This is a message box that can be used to highlight minor issues with the image or documentation of it. It is suggested to use a normal box for bigger problems with the image.

Here is the code for the above box.

| namespace = file
| small = yes
| type  = notice
| text  = This is a small image general message box.

Small Xmbox

Template:Mbox/wikitext This is a message box that can be used to highlight minor issues with a template or documentation of it. It is suggested to use a normal box for bigger problems with the template or documentation.

Here is the code for the above box.

| namespace = template
| small = yes
| type  = notice
| text  = This is a small template general message box.

Small Tmbox

Template:Mbox/wikitext This is a message box that can be used to highlight minor issues with a talk page. It is suggested to use a normal box for bigger problems with the talk page.

Here is the code for the above box.

| namespace = talk
| small = yes
| type  = notice
| text  = This is a small talk page general message box.

Small Ombox

Template:Mbox/wikitext This is a message box that can be used to highlight minor issues with a section of a page. It is suggested to use a normal box for bigger problems with the entire page.

Here is the code for the above box.

| namespace = other
| small = yes
| type  = notice
| text  = This is a small other pages page general message box.

File list

Category:Message box templates
