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A White Survival Community is a commentary by Dr. William Pierce which appeared in the National Alliance Bulletin of June-July 1981.


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A White Survival Community by Dr. William Pierce

A White survival community for the Alliance is a project whose time may be at hand. Several members have expressed strong interest in various aspects of such a project during the past two years: for some the principal attraction has been the prospect of providing a White education for their children; others simply want a White alternative for themselves to increasingly Judaized life they are forced to lead in Americaโ€™s cities today.

The National Office has shared this interest, but the Allianceโ€™s relatively small size and lack of resources--in particular, the lack of money to acquire land--has kept the interest academic. In the near future, however, there may be an opportunity to begin translating the interest into concrete reality. As a preliminary step, the National Office would like to hear from every member who may wish to participate in a White survival community in some way. Write down you ideas and send them in--and be sure that you include a completed copy of the green Membership Skills and Resources Inventory with your letter, if you havenโ€™t already sent a copy of the form to the National Office. For this project the National Office must know what potential skills, talents, and resources will be available.

In order to further crystallize ideas for this project, one of the workshops at the General Convention in September will deal with it. Even at this time, however, a few general guidelines may help interested members better understand the prospects for the future:

1. The Alliance does not want to encourage a โ€œgrab your guns and head for the hillsโ€ mentality in its members. The principal work of the Alliance must remain in Americaโ€™s cities for the foreseeable future, because thatโ€™s where the people are weโ€™re trying to influence and recruit. Furthermore, despite the continued worsening of racial, social, and economic conditions, it seems unrealistic to expect that there will be a general breakdown of American society, to the point that the Alliance is unable to function in the cities, any time soon; almost certainly not in this decade.
2. A White survival community, therefore, will initially involve only a selected minority of Alliance members and will not take the place of any current activity.
3. Although it might be challenging and a lot of fun to do the sort of thing many non-Alliance โ€œsurvivalistsโ€ are attempting these days--i.e., getting โ€œback to Natureโ€ and learning to live off the land without dependence on modern conveniences--we donโ€™t have time to indulge ourselves in neo-primitivism or anything else that is not clearly related to our task. A White survival community must--eventually, if not initially--be independent of the larger society, both so that it is not subject to external pressures and so that it can survive when things break down on a large scale elsewhere, but it must nevertheless take advantage of everything which enables it to perform its task more effectively. That is, while a White survival community should give a relatively high priority to being able to function indefinitely without externally supplied electricity, water, sewer service, food, etc., it nevertheless should use every available modern tool, material, and technique which does not carry with it an essential dependence on the larger society. In some cases stockpiling can reduce or eliminate such dependence, and in other cases the skills of community members can maintain essential tools indefinitely. Even so, of course , there will be many things to learn and adaptations to make.
4. There are three principal; benefits which the Alliance should aim at gaining from a White survival community, namely:
a. Survival insurance. Although we donโ€™t expect an economic collapse in this decade, we may have little or no warning prior to a major disruption which might leave a number of our most valuable members around the county--or ever the National Office--without incomes. In such a case the existence of a National Alliance survival community would allow unemployed members-- and, perhaps, the National Office--to continue advancing our program while riding out the disruption.
b. New facilities and capabilities. There are several types of activity which will be important in the future and which require a base where specialized training and other support depending on a number of members working together are available.
c. A nucleus for a new order. This is a much longer range benefit than the first two, but ultimately the most vital. The values, principles, ideals, and institutions which the National Alliance wants to make the basis of a restructured White society in the future must have an incubator where they are put to the test, nurtured, and kept alive during a lengthy period--perhaps several decades--of continued decay and disintegration in the present society. Any parent who has had to complete with television, the public schools, and peer pressure in determining his childrenโ€™s values and character development understands the necessity of isolation from corrupting influences. We must eventually have a small, structured society of our own which incorporated on a small scale all the features, from ethics to life-styles and from artistic trends to educational philosophies, which we believe are necessary for the survival and progress of our race as a whole. Now is not too soon to begin planning and carrying out the first steps toward building such a nuclear society.
Source: "A White Survival Community" by Dr. William Pierce from National Alliance Bulletin June-July 1981.

See also