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The 'Federal Reserve' Talmudic Swindle

Where the 'Federal Reserve' (ha!) is concerned, several issues just baffle me.


A) It always astonishes me, how much wealth, potential, American Family security, has been -methodically, systematically- sucked out of the American Dream.

Leeched out. Milked. Robbed.

I'm amazed this is not much higher up on We, the People's mind.

It negatively hammers everybody. You too, Liberal Missus, trusting Government, and wanting it bigger. It hits your wallet, potential, your Social Security and your standard of living, just as hard as those persons that you see as Conservative, Republican, fuddy-duddies. (Or, worse even. MAGA...)

B) The extraordinary greed of the Plundering Classes.

Fascinating. The hell. When is it going to be enough? There's TRILLIONS unaccounted for. And often explained away in the most unconvincing, childish, puerile attempts at (cough) explaining away the missing apple pie.

And the trail of suspicious crumbs, left behind.


Recently we've had this megga debacle in Afghanistan, but before that, among the plethora of examples of in-your-Goy-face fraud? Do you remember Donald Rumsfeld? With a straight face? Very apologetic? So sincere?

On September 10th, 2001, he announced to his supposed Bosses, We, the People, that there had been a slight financial book-keeping issue. They just couldn't quite account, for a little bit of money.

(How much?)

Oh, not a whole lot. Two-thousand-three-hundred.

(Oh! That's not so bad then).

Emmm.... with a few noughts at the end.

(What!? You mean, two-thousand-three-hundred Million?)

Emmm..... A few more noughts... three more....

(What!? You mean, two-thousand-three-hundred BILLION dollars????).....

Emmmmm..... it is very unfortunate.


(Unfortunate!? That's two-point-three TRILLION dollars! How the galloping heck do you manage that? We could have doubled-tripled Social Security, built a fleet of new hospitals, schools, roads, bridges, and gone to MARS...) (and even covered Nancy Pelosi's liquor tab)....

What were you guys doing?

And the very next day, by an amazing coincidence, a Boeing 757, expertly flown, by some hairy, wild-looking characters, going like a missile, skimming inches above the dandelions, unseen on a million security cameras, save one (and that didn't look like a Boeing at all), managed to strike a Bull-Shit's eye, (I mean, a Bull's eye), on the budget analyst office. And, somehow, even in this age of back-up and remote servers, managed to wipe out the crucial files...


How much apple pie can you eat? Or lose?

C) Then there's dear old Jacob Rothschild. Pillar of Society. Doors open, cameras flash, and peons grovel, wherever he sets his hallowed feet. His family's worth in the narrow sense of digital blips in a Bank's Computer Main Frame? Reputed to be Five hundred Trillion Dollars. Even, immeasurable. Owning nearly every central bank in the world? A track record that includes proudly financing every war since Napoleon. Nice man.

How much apple pie can you eat? When is enough a enough? The answer appears to be: "Never!"


Of course,in fairness to Lord Jacob here, he is only upholding a good family motto. Set in stone by Mayer Amschel Rothschild. On his death bed. With these, fine, upstanding, noble, philanthropic words:

"Remember my children, that all the earth must belong to us, Jews, and that the Gentiles, being mere excrement of animals, must possess nothing."

How much apple pie...??

D) The conclusion of all this? To 'them', there is no limit. To what they want.

When they say "You will own nothing, and be happy!"

They are not lying, and they are lying.

For sure, they want us to own nothing. True.

But they really don't give a slice of apple pie...

whether we are happy or not.

They prefer us?

