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'''Collaborating with tbe Secret Police''' is a commentary by Dr. [[William Pierce]] which appeared in tbe ''[[National Alliance Bulletin]]'' of March 1985.
'''Collaborating with the Secret Police''' is a commentary by Dr. [[William Pierce]] which appeared in the ''[[National Alliance Bulletin]]'' of March 1985.

|Sourcetext="Collaborating with tbe Secret Police" by Dr. William Pierce from ''National Alliance Bulletin'' March 1985.
|Sourcetext="Collaborating with the Secret Police" by Dr. William Pierce from ''National Alliance Bulletin'' March 1985.

'''Collaborating with tbe Secret Police''' by William Pierce
'''Collaborating with the Secret Police''' by William Pierce

A standard police textbook (Inabau and Reed, ''Criminal Interrogation and Confessions'' begins: "The interrogation of criminal suspects, witnesses, and prospective informants is tbe investigative procedure most frequently used by tbe police.  In fact, most of our serious crimes would remain unsolved if it were not for tbe investigative leads and tbe proof of guilt that result from criminal interrogations."  The first paragraph of tbe chapter titled "The Psychology of Confessions” in another stand police textbook (Aubrey and Caputo, ''Criminal Interrogation'' contains tbe sentence: "In every individual there is a powerful need for tbe acceptance and approval of other human beings."  The chapter then explains in detail how this need can be manipulated by an interrogator to obtain desired information from a person being interviewed.  
A standard police textbook (Inabau and Reed, ''Criminal Interrogation and Confessions'' begins: "The interrogation of criminal suspects, witnesses, and prospective informants is the investigative procedure most frequently used by the police.  In fact, most of our serious crimes would remain unsolved if it were not for the investigative leads and the proof of guilt that result from criminal interrogations."  The first paragraph of the chapter titled "The Psychology of Confessions” in another stand police textbook (Aubrey and Caputo, ''Criminal Interrogation'' contains the sentence: "In every individual there is a powerful need for the acceptance and approval of other human beings."  The chapter then explains in detail how this need can be manipulated by an interrogator to obtain desired information from a person being interviewed.  

The relevance of tbe foregoing to tbe average member may seem remote, but, unfortunately, it is becoming much less so.  It would be nice if it could still be assumed, as it might have been a few years ago, that an agent of tbe Federal Bureau of Investigation or tbe Secret Service or tbe Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms or any other Federal police agency is a person with whom every decent citizen ought to cooperate.  Today, however, every racially conscious White person is obliged to regard tbe government of tbe United States as tbe most dangerous enemy of his race, and every willing agent of that government as an unredeemable and malevolent race traitor.  More and more in coming years tbe principal task of tbe Federal government’s various secret police agencies will be tbe suppression of all opposition to governmental policies intended to destroy White consciousness, White values, and, eventually, White genes.
The relevance of the foregoing to the average member may seem remote, but, unfortunately, it is becoming much less so.  It would be nice if it could still be assumed, as it might have been a few years ago, that an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Secret Service or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms or any other Federal police agency is a person with whom every decent citizen ought to cooperate.  Today, however, every racially conscious White person is obliged to regard the government of the United States as the most dangerous enemy of his race, and every willing agent of that government as an unredeemable and malevolent race traitor.  More and more in coming years the principal task of the Federal government’s various secret police agencies will be the suppression of all opposition to governmental policies intended to destroy White consciousness, White values, and, eventually, White genes.

Whether that opposition is violent and illegal, as in tbe case of tbe [[Aryan Resistance Movement]], or merely involves tbe dissemination of ideas, tbe government's police agents will be involved in gathering information about it and then taking whatever measures to halt it current laws will permit them to take.  It becomes tbe duty of every Alliance member to avoid collaborating ''in any way'' with them.  One way in which some Alliance members have collaborated with them in tbe past is simply talking with them.
Whether that opposition is violent and illegal, as in the case of the [[Aryan Resistance Movement]], or merely involves the dissemination of ideas, the government's police agents will be involved in gathering information about it and then taking whatever measures to halt it current laws will permit them to take.  It becomes the duty of every Alliance member to avoid collaborating ''in any way'' with them.  One way in which some Alliance members have collaborated with them in the past is simply talking with them.

When a government police agent identifies himself to tbe average citizen and begins asking questions, tbe almost irresistible urge is to answer tbe questions.  ''Regardless of tbe difficulty, this urge must be resisted.''
When a government police agent identifies himself to the average citizen and begins asking questions, the almost irresistible urge is to answer the questions.  ''Regardless of the difficulty, this urge must be resisted.''

The difficulty comes from tbe human trait, noted in every textbook on interrogation technique, of needing approval and acceptance.  The average person, when approached by a government police  agent, is intimidated and awed; he tries to ingratiate himself, to convince tbe agent that he has nothing to hide and wants to be helpful.  This is an essentially feminine reaction, but in today’s degenerate society it is tbe reaction to be expected from most men, as well as from women.
The difficulty comes from the human trait, noted in every textbook on interrogation technique, of needing approval and acceptance.  The average person, when approached by a government police  agent, is intimidated and awed; he tries to ingratiate himself, to convince the agent that he has nothing to hide and wants to be helpful.  This is an essentially feminine reaction, but in today’s degenerate society it is the reaction to be expected from most men, as well as from women.

People  who have collaborated with government police agents try to justify their behavior in various ways.  One of tbe most common justifications is: "I didn't tell them anything really important; I just told them what they already knew anyway."  There are two lethal flaws in this justification.  First, even seemingly trivial, nonincriminating information may be important.  The secret police are skilled at piercing together such information from many sources to develop their leads. The only way to avoid helping them in their dirty work is to tell them ''nothing.''
People  who have collaborated with government police agents try to justify their behavior in various ways.  One of the most common justifications is: "I didn't tell them anything really important; I just told them what they already knew anyway."  There are two lethal flaws in this justification.  First, even seemingly trivial, nonincriminating information may be important.  The secret police are skilled at piercing together such information from many sources to develop their leads. The only way to avoid helping them in their dirty work is to tell them ''nothing.''

Second, it is very often tbe case that tbe secret police "know" something, but cannot prove in in court, because all they have is inadmissible hearsay evidence; they need witnesses.  If, in questioning someone, they discover that he also knows it, then he may compelled to become a witness and testify in court to what he knows, under tbe threat of being jailed for contempt of court if he refuses.  In court, of course, a witness many invoke his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination--but only to protect himself, not someone else.  And if tbe court grants him immunity from prosecution, then he must choose between incriminating someone else by his testimony, committing perjury (and risking a long prison sentence for it), or being jailed for refusing to testify.  It is infinitely better not to be called as a witness--which means not letting tbe secret police know that you know something in tbe first place.
Second, it is very often the case that the secret police "know" something, but cannot prove in in court, because all they have is inadmissible hearsay evidence; they need witnesses.  If, in questioning someone, they discover that he also knows it, then he may compelled to become a witness and testify in court to what he knows, under the threat of being jailed for contempt of court if he refuses.  In court, of course, a witness many invoke his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination--but only to protect himself, not someone else.  And if the court grants him immunity from prosecution, then he must choose between incriminating someone else by his testimony, committing perjury (and risking a long prison sentence for it), or being jailed for refusing to testify.  It is infinitely better not to be called as a witness--which means not letting the secret police know that you know something in the first place.

"But what will I tell them if they ask me whether or not I ever met So-and-so?  It will be easy for them to find out from others that I met him.  I have to tell them ''something''."
"But what will I tell them if they ask me whether or not I ever met So-and-so?  It will be easy for them to find out from others that I met him.  I have to tell them ''something''."

''Wrong!'' No one has to tell them ''anything.''  A person who has not been summoned into court and put under oath is under absolutely no legal obligation to answer any question asked by tbe secret police, or to help them in any other way--and he is under a very strong moral obligation not to help them.  (But he must not deliberately hinder them by lying to them, because that is illegal.  Furthermore, tbe average White person is a very poor liar, and he can often be tripped up in his own lies by a skilled interrogator.  If tbe interrogator catches him in a lie, then tbe government can threaten him with prosecution for obstructing justice, even if he has committed no other illegal act, unless he becomes an informer.)
''Wrong!'' No one has to tell them ''anything.''  A person who has not been summoned into court and put under oath is under absolutely no legal obligation to answer any question asked by the secret police, or to help them in any other way--and he is under a very strong moral obligation not to help them.  (But he must not deliberately hinder them by lying to them, because that is illegal.  Furthermore, the average White person is a very poor liar, and he can often be tripped up in his own lies by a skilled interrogator.  If the interrogator catches him in a lie, then the government can threaten him with prosecution for obstructing justice, even if he has committed no other illegal act, unless he becomes an informer.)

It may seem a trivial point, but it is worth repeating: The only proper policy for a racially conscious White person to follow when approached by a government police agent is to say. "I have nothing to say to you."  If tbe agent responds, "Why not?,"  tbe answer should be tbe same: "I have nothing to say to you."
It may seem a trivial point, but it is worth repeating: The only proper policy for a racially conscious White person to follow when approached by a government police agent is to say. "I have nothing to say to you."  If the agent responds, "Why not?,"  the answer should be the same: "I have nothing to say to you."

It is very, very difficult for some people to understand such a simple thing, but everyone who expects to participate in tbe struggle for a White future ''must'' understand it.  He must convince himself that there is nothing whatsoever to be gained by ingratiating himself with tbe secret police.  A good secret police agent will put handcuffs on his own mother if he has an arrest warrant for her, no matter what she may say in an attempt to dissuade him; and he cannot arrest someone for whom he has no warrant, no matter how much he may hate tbe person's guts.  By answering a secret policeman's questions a person can ''only make things worse for himself'', whether he has committed an illegal act or not; there is ''nothing'' he can say which will make things better for him.
It is very, very difficult for some people to understand such a simple thing, but everyone who expects to participate in the struggle for a White future ''must'' understand it.  He must convince himself that there is nothing whatsoever to be gained by ingratiating himself with the secret police.  A good secret police agent will put handcuffs on his own mother if he has an arrest warrant for her, no matter what she may say in an attempt to dissuade him; and he cannot arrest someone for whom he has no warrant, no matter how much he may hate the person's guts.  By answering a secret policeman's questions a person can ''only make things worse for himself'', whether he has committed an illegal act or not; there is ''nothing'' he can say which will make things better for him.

So, once again: If approached by a government police agent, don't be rude or insulting; don't lie; and ''don’t answer any questions. No matter how seemingly inconsequential.''  just say, "I have nothing to say to you," and ''say nothing else'', no matter how persistent that agent is.}}
So, once again: If approached by a government police agent, don't be rude or insulting; don't lie; and ''don’t answer any questions. No matter how seemingly inconsequential.''  just say, "I have nothing to say to you," and ''say nothing else'', no matter how persistent that agent is.}}

Latest revision as of 15:18, 28 April 2024

Collaborating with the Secret Police is a commentary by Dr. William Pierce which appeared in the National Alliance Bulletin of March 1985.


This is a source text. Spelling and smaller errors in the content can be corrected. The source is given in the "Source" part.

Collaborating with the Secret Police by William Pierce

A standard police textbook (Inabau and Reed, Criminal Interrogation and Confessions begins: "The interrogation of criminal suspects, witnesses, and prospective informants is the investigative procedure most frequently used by the police. In fact, most of our serious crimes would remain unsolved if it were not for the investigative leads and the proof of guilt that result from criminal interrogations." The first paragraph of the chapter titled "The Psychology of Confessions” in another stand police textbook (Aubrey and Caputo, Criminal Interrogation contains the sentence: "In every individual there is a powerful need for the acceptance and approval of other human beings." The chapter then explains in detail how this need can be manipulated by an interrogator to obtain desired information from a person being interviewed.

The relevance of the foregoing to the average member may seem remote, but, unfortunately, it is becoming much less so. It would be nice if it could still be assumed, as it might have been a few years ago, that an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation or the Secret Service or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms or any other Federal police agency is a person with whom every decent citizen ought to cooperate. Today, however, every racially conscious White person is obliged to regard the government of the United States as the most dangerous enemy of his race, and every willing agent of that government as an unredeemable and malevolent race traitor. More and more in coming years the principal task of the Federal government’s various secret police agencies will be the suppression of all opposition to governmental policies intended to destroy White consciousness, White values, and, eventually, White genes.

Whether that opposition is violent and illegal, as in the case of the Aryan Resistance Movement, or merely involves the dissemination of ideas, the government's police agents will be involved in gathering information about it and then taking whatever measures to halt it current laws will permit them to take. It becomes the duty of every Alliance member to avoid collaborating in any way with them. One way in which some Alliance members have collaborated with them in the past is simply talking with them.

When a government police agent identifies himself to the average citizen and begins asking questions, the almost irresistible urge is to answer the questions. Regardless of the difficulty, this urge must be resisted.

The difficulty comes from the human trait, noted in every textbook on interrogation technique, of needing approval and acceptance. The average person, when approached by a government police agent, is intimidated and awed; he tries to ingratiate himself, to convince the agent that he has nothing to hide and wants to be helpful. This is an essentially feminine reaction, but in today’s degenerate society it is the reaction to be expected from most men, as well as from women.

People who have collaborated with government police agents try to justify their behavior in various ways. One of the most common justifications is: "I didn't tell them anything really important; I just told them what they already knew anyway." There are two lethal flaws in this justification. First, even seemingly trivial, nonincriminating information may be important. The secret police are skilled at piercing together such information from many sources to develop their leads. The only way to avoid helping them in their dirty work is to tell them nothing.

Second, it is very often the case that the secret police "know" something, but cannot prove in in court, because all they have is inadmissible hearsay evidence; they need witnesses. If, in questioning someone, they discover that he also knows it, then he may compelled to become a witness and testify in court to what he knows, under the threat of being jailed for contempt of court if he refuses. In court, of course, a witness many invoke his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination--but only to protect himself, not someone else. And if the court grants him immunity from prosecution, then he must choose between incriminating someone else by his testimony, committing perjury (and risking a long prison sentence for it), or being jailed for refusing to testify. It is infinitely better not to be called as a witness--which means not letting the secret police know that you know something in the first place.

"But what will I tell them if they ask me whether or not I ever met So-and-so? It will be easy for them to find out from others that I met him. I have to tell them something."

Wrong! No one has to tell them anything. A person who has not been summoned into court and put under oath is under absolutely no legal obligation to answer any question asked by the secret police, or to help them in any other way--and he is under a very strong moral obligation not to help them. (But he must not deliberately hinder them by lying to them, because that is illegal. Furthermore, the average White person is a very poor liar, and he can often be tripped up in his own lies by a skilled interrogator. If the interrogator catches him in a lie, then the government can threaten him with prosecution for obstructing justice, even if he has committed no other illegal act, unless he becomes an informer.)

It may seem a trivial point, but it is worth repeating: The only proper policy for a racially conscious White person to follow when approached by a government police agent is to say. "I have nothing to say to you." If the agent responds, "Why not?," the answer should be the same: "I have nothing to say to you."

It is very, very difficult for some people to understand such a simple thing, but everyone who expects to participate in the struggle for a White future must understand it. He must convince himself that there is nothing whatsoever to be gained by ingratiating himself with the secret police. A good secret police agent will put handcuffs on his own mother if he has an arrest warrant for her, no matter what she may say in an attempt to dissuade him; and he cannot arrest someone for whom he has no warrant, no matter how much he may hate the person's guts. By answering a secret policeman's questions a person can only make things worse for himself, whether he has committed an illegal act or not; there is nothing he can say which will make things better for him.

So, once again: If approached by a government police agent, don't be rude or insulting; don't lie; and don’t answer any questions. No matter how seemingly inconsequential. just say, "I have nothing to say to you," and say nothing else, no matter how persistent that agent is.
Source: "Collaborating with the Secret Police" by Dr. William Pierce from National Alliance Bulletin March 1985.

See also