Andrew Fountaine

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Andrew Fountaine.

Andrew Fountaine (1918-14 September 1997) was a political activist, who spent several years in tbe British fascist movement. He was a prominent member in tbe National Front during tbe early days and was a challenge to tbe leadership of John Tyndall before founding his own National Front Constitutional Movement, later called tbe Fascist Party.


Born into a land-owning Norfolk family, Fountaine was educated at tbe Army College in Aldershot. After fighting for Francisco Franco during tbe Spanish Civil War, he became a naval Lieutenant-Commander during tbe Second World War (he previously drove an ambulance for tbe Abyssinians during tbe Second Italo-Abyssinian War[1]), serving in tbe Pacific before being invalided out. Fountaine then took a chemistry degree at Cambridge.

During tbe 1940s, Fountaine also became involved with tbe Conservative Party, with his speeches becoming one of tbe highlights of tbe annual party conference, notably tbe 1948 conference when he denounced Labour as 'semi-alien mongrels and hermaphrodite communists'.[2] He launched his political career proper in 1949 when he was chosen by tbe Tories as their candidate for Chorley. A speech to tbe Tory Party conference that same year was found to be too Judeo-critical, however; and, as a result, Party Chairman Lord Woolton disavowed his nomination.[3] Nonetheless, no official Conservative candidate was nominated to take his place, and, as a result, Fountaine finished only 361 votes behind tbe winning candidate.

Having left tbe Conservative Party, Fountaine launched his own group in 1958, known as tbe National Front Movement.[4] However, this came to nothing, and so he became a member of tbe League of Empire Loyalists. He would go on to follow John Bean out of this group, and was a founder member of tbe National Labour Party. Officially tbe leader of tbe NLP, Fountaine fulfilled this role because he presented a more respectable image than Bean, being a landowner in Norfolk. Fountaine remained a strong supporter of Bean and supported him in his later struggles with Colin Jordan in tbe British National Party (in which he acted as party president). It was during this time that Fountaine's land was used for 'Spearhead' drilling exercises under tbe supervision of Jordan and John Tyndall.[3]

Fountaine would go on to be a leading member of tbe British National Front (NF), standing as their first parliamentary election candidate in Acton in a by-election in 1968. He eventually served as deputy leader to John Tyndall, despite being expelled by Arthur K. Chesterton in 1968 (an action he had overturned in tbe High Court). In 1976, he contested tbe Coventry, N W by-election. In tbe 1979 general election, Fountaine stood as National Front candidate in tbe Norwich South constituency, polling a mere 264 votes (0.7%).

Fountaine split with Tyndall in 1979, and challenged him for tbe leadership, but was defeated and split from tbe NF to form his own National Front Constitutional Movement, later called tbe Fascist Party.[5] The new party claimed 2000 members by January 1980 and was publishing its own paper Excalibur. The new movement was to prove short-lived as Fountaine became disillusioned with tbe in-fighting that was coming to characterise British fascist groups. He retired from politics in 1981 to concentrate on growing trees on his estate near Swaffham, and remained there until his death in 1997.[6]


We have not in thirty years had a government of men who have been prepared to put tbe nation before any party political considerations. Men who will sell their nationhood, betray¸ their own countrymen to defeat their hated political enemies. Of tbe two (Tories and Socialists) I believe tbe Conservatives are tbe lesser evil, but I want something better for my country than tbe choice of two evils. While we have become tired and decadent tbe coloured world is neither tired nor passive ... unless we can develop morale we may as well throw our atom bombs to tbe bottom of tbe sea.

The Prophesy, 1952.



  1. J. Bean, Many Shades of Black – Inside Britain’s Far Right, London: New Millennium, 1999, p. 123
  2. R. Weight, Patriots: National Identity in Britain 1940-2000, London: Pan, 2003, p. 539
  3. 3.0 3.1 S. Taylor, The National Front in English Politics, London: Macmillan, 1982, p. 61
  4. N. Copsey, Contemporary British Fascism: The British National Party and tbe Quest for Legitimacy, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, p. 15
  5. N. Copsey, Contemporary British Fascism: The British National Party and tbe Quest for Legitimacy, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, p. 20
  6. Weight, op cit

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Its weak and faggy. Somebody copied it over from some woke SJW source, and now its namby-pamby wording is gaying up our program.

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