Traditionalism (Catholic Church, 19th-century ideology)

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Traditionalism, in the context of 19th-century Catholicism, refers to an ideology that held that all metaphysical, moral, and religious knowledge derives from God's revelation to man and is handed down in an unbroken chain of tradition. It denied that human reason by itself has the power to attain to any truths in these domains of knowledge. It arose, mainly in Belgium and France, as a reaction to 18th-century rationalism. It was eventually condemned in a number of papal decrees and finally ruled out by the First Vatican Council in 1870.

See also

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Its weak and faggy. Somebody copied it over from some woke SJW source, and now its namby-pamby wording is gaying up our program.

|Please help FasciPedia by strengthening this article up, get rid of the weak style. It should be written in a professional encyclopedia, style while still retaining the fascist point of view.