Rolf Kosiek

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File:Dr. Rolf Kosiek, Professor of Nürtingen University.jpg
Among other things, Dr. rer. nat. Rolf Kosiek, Professor of Nürtingen University, was a member of the Board of Scientific Advisors (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat) of the magazine Neue Anthropologie under Jürgen Rieger.

Rolf Kosiek (b. 23 September 1934 in Herford, Westphalia; d. 16 August 2023) was a German nuclear physicist, scientist, journalist, and patriotic politician in the Nationaldemokratischen Partei Deutschlands (NPD). He is known for his criticisms of the Frankfurt School and for his advocacy of racial awareness. One of his pseudonyms as an author is "Rudolf Künast".


Kosiek studied physics, chemistry and history in Göttingen (1955-1957) and Heidelberg (1957-1960). He received his doctorate in nuclear physics in Heidelberg in 1963. From 1963 to 1968 he was a scientific assistant at the 1st Physical Institute of the University of Heidelberg, from 1968 to 1972 he was a scientific employee at the renowned Duden publishing house (de).

After the NPD left the Baden-Württemberg state parliament, Kosiek worked from 1972 to 1980 as a lecturer in mathematics, physics and statistics at the Nürtingen University of Applied Sciences (now the Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Sciences) until he was dismissed from government service.

Since 1981, he had been responsible for the content of the work and editor of the publishing house Grabert Verlag and head of the institute for German post-war history. Kosiek lived in Nürtingen until 2012, since then in Bad Soden-Salmünster. In 2012, Rolf Kosiek was awarded the Ulrich von Hutten Medal (Ulrich-von-Hutten-Medaille) by the academic Society for Free Journalism.


One of the leading intellectuals in European nationalism – the German scientist, historian and political activist Dr Rolf Kosiek – has died aged 88. His initial studies at the universities of Göttingen and Heidelberg were in physics, chemistry and history, and he obtained his doctorate in nuclear physics at Heidelberg in 1963. He was a research assistant at Heidelberg University, and taught at the Nürtingen University of Applied Sciences until his dismissal for political reasons in 1980. Dr Kosiek was an active NPD member from the mid-1960s and represented his party in the Landtag (regional parliament) of Baden-Württemberg from 1968-72, as well as serving as a local councillor from 1968-73. During the 1970s, he was a member of the NPD’s federal executive. After his politically-motivated dismissal from his academic post, Dr Kosiek worked for the rest of his life with the German fascist publishers Grabert-Verlag. He wrote regular articles (under the pen name Rudolf Künast) for the revisionist journal Deutschland in Geschichte und Gegenwart, and also wrote for another very high quality journal, Nation und Europa. Dr Kosiek was perhaps best known among German fascist intellectuals as editor (with fellow NPD activist and historian Dr Olaf Rose) of the five-volume German historical encyclopedia, Der Große Wendig. Richtigstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte (‘Corrections to Contemporary History’). Another of his most important works was a study of the subversive Frankfurt School, published in 2001 (Die Frankfurter Schule und ihre zersetzenden Auswirkungen). H&D is grateful to comrades at Devenir Europeo for informing us of Dr Kosiek’s death. European fascists at the intellectual vanguard of our struggle will mourn his loss but continue to be inspired by his example and legacy.[1]


Rolf Kosiek was married and had three children. He lived in Nürtingen until 2012, and after that in Bad Soden-Salmünster.

Works (selection)

  • Marxismus? Ein Aberglaube. Kurt Vowinckel, Berg am See 1972
  • Wege zur Wirklichkeit. Das Volk in seiner Wirklichkeit. Band 7, Kurt Vowinckel, Berg am See 1976
  • Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler, Bd. 1, 1975
  • Das Volk in seiner Wirklichkeit. Naturwissenschaften und Leben bestätigen den Volksbegriff. Kurt Vowinckel Verlag, Berg am See, 1975
  • Deutsches Land in fremder Hand. Tausend Jahre Grenzlandschicksal. Deutsche Ostgebiete. Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, Rosenheim 1990. 1982.
  • Jenseits der Grenzen. 1000 Jahre Volks - und Auslandsdeutsche. Veröffentlichungen aus Hochschule, Wissenschaft und Forschung, 12. Grabert, Tübingen 1987
  • Rolf Kosiek, Waldemar Schütz: Lexikon Deutsche Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert, geprägt durch 1. Weltkrieg, Nationalsozialismus, Zweiten Weltkrieg Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, Rosenheim 1990
  • Waldemar von Schütz (Hrsg. & Verleger), Bearb. Rolf Kosiek: Deutsche Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert. Reihe: Veröffentlichungen des Institutes für deutsche Nachkriegsgeschichte, 34. Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft (Karl Waldemar Schütz), Rosenheim 1990
  • Völker statt 'One World'. das Volk im Spiegel der Wissenschaft. Grabert, Tübingen 1999
  • Die Frankfurter Schule und ihre zersetzenden Auswirkungen. Grabert, Tübingen 2001
  • Deutsche Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert. Das Ringen eines Volkes um Einheit und Bestand. Grabert, Tübingen 2004
  • with Dr. Olaf Rose (Hrsg.): Der Große Wendig. Richtigstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, 4 Volumes, Grabert-Verlag, Tübingen
