New British Union

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New British Union
NBU logo.
Leader Gary Raikes
Founder Gary Raikes
Country United Kingdom
Headquarters Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom
Newspaper The Blackshirt
Colours              Red, White, Blue

Template:Fascism sidebar

The New British Union (NBU for short) is a British Fascist political movement, and the unofficial successor to the Union Movement. They consider Sir Oswald Mosley as their spiritual leader. Like the British Union of Fascists and the Union Movement, they use the Roman salute and Fascist aesthetics. Gary Raikes, their leader, was a member of the British National Party and then Britain First. He is based in Aberdeen, Scotland. The NBU believe in establish Fascist Strongholds or "citadels" to carry out a "silent revolution". They do not consider themselves Anti-Semitic.[1]

Policies of the New British Union

The NBU goes by a ten-point program which they call the Ten Points for Action[2]

1. The establishment by legal and constitutional methods during a General Election of a British Fascist Government of National Unity. The use of national referenda to reflect the declared will of the British people.

2. The building of a Corporate State in Britain composed of corporations of workers, employers and consumers all running British industry harmoniously in the national interest, instead of sectional vested interests. Higher wages, lower prices, increased pensions and equal pay for women. ‘Make Money the Servant and Not the Master of the People’.

3. Put Britain First in a United European Family of Nations. We stand for European spiritual unity so that Europe stands as one, in face of common enemies. The holding of a referendum to let the British people to decide whether they wish Britain to remain a member of the European Union.

4. An end to mass immigration to protect British worker’s jobs, housing, education, health services and social welfare. The promotion of realism, love and concern for British and European Civilisation not race hatred.

5. To encourage consumers to Buy British goods and foodstuffs, to save jobs and to support Britain’s economy.

6. The restoration of law and order and tougher sentences for serious criminal offences.

7. The conservation of our green and pleasant countryside with heavy fines for pollution and litter, and a ban on overbuilding on green belt land. Support for organic farming, small traditional family farms and higher standards of animal welfare.

8. The strengthening of Britain’s national defences and armed forces, with a British nuclear deterrent independent of NATO.

9. A Foreign Policy of putting British national interests first, an end to interference in the internal affairs of countries overseas and the promotion of World Peace.

10. Civil and Religious Liberty for all.


The NBU recruit their members through applications on their official website, under a tab that says "Join Us".[3] Membership in the NBU is free, and they claim that "unlike all other political movements we are not after your hard earned cash! We want your support and help in spreading the truth and giving hope to our people."

They also have several youtube channels that specialise in creating news reports, and announcements to both the public and their members.

Key Members

- Gary Raikes, NBU Leader - Samantha Curtis, NBU Secretary - Tim Scott, Security Officer - Paul Arnold, NBU North Regional Officer - John Forrester, NBU North East Regional Officer - Clive Jones, NBU North West Regional Officer - Claire Ambler, NBU East Regional Officer - David Smith, NBU South Regional Officer - Terry Mayers, NBU South East Regional Officer - Ken Kingsbury, NBU South West Regional Officer - Richard Payne, NBU Scotland National Officer , Anders Wolfe, NBU Scotland, Regional Officer [4]


One of the NBU's main tactics to gain influence is the posting of propaganda stickers and posters.[5]

External Links

[1] - Official Website

[2] - The sun newspaper on their launch

[3] - Birmingham Mail on the group

[4] - Policies

[5] - The Facebook of the group

