Opinion - Anne Frank and the meta-morph-bulldozer
Anne Frank, and the meta-morph-bulldozer
The #TalmudicMafia, true to the nature of the Beast, lies on, outrageously, as if nothing has ever happened.
Look at this for absolute poppycock:
This 'diary' has been overwhelmingly exposed as a cynical FRAUD.
Yet the Jews know good-hearted, uninformed, naive folk just suck it up. And when you own the newspapers?
Why stop lying and mis-representing?
Keep on lying...! No shame!
And innit amazing? After eighty years? With a lick of the finger here, and a dab of fantasy there, here-a-spit, and there-a-polish? A whole new fantasy story is born and meta-morp-bulldozered into unassailable, 24-carat, 'fact'.
Oi vey! Such amazing alchemy.
Only an unfeeling anti-Semite would dare cast stones, and pour cold water.
Ice cold.
And mockery. Lots. Of mockery.