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Auschwitz is a concentration camp in southern Poland which is said to have been the place where over 1.1 million people have been killed. It is the most popular of all German camps of the Second World War.

Entrance to Auschwitz-I with the caption Arbeit Macht Frei, which translates to Work Sets You Free


Auschwitz initially served as a concentration camp established by Germany after their invasion of Poland in 1939. The camp was set up in May 1940 to house Polish political prisoners. Soon after its construction, it grew rapidly, and a second camp was established 2 kilometers away -- Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Unlike the original, Birkenau was the supposed site of the extermination facilities.

Lies and Truth

See Also: False Narratives

The greatest lie about the camp was that it was an extermination camp, used to experiment on, and kill political and racial enemies of the Third Reich.

A lot of the propaganda stems from post-war jewish testimonies which told of things such as: deadly gassing chambers, incinerators, rollercoasters of death, masturbation machines, lampshades of human skin, human fat soaps, and many more. We know these things to be false for many reasons however.

Gas Chambers

The most common allegation is that of gas chambers disguised as shower rooms that used Zyklon B to kill everyone inside. Media show "evidence" such as scrapings on the walls, holes through which the gas was inserted, and pictures of the victims, relying on the shock factor to indoctrinate the people. However all of these can be disproven, starting with the fact that Zyklon B is a delousing agent used to kill Lice and prevent an outbreak of Typhus, and is rather ineffective at killing in comparison to another gas available to the Third Reich during that time called Sarin.[1] The holes through which the gas was inserted into the chamber were made during the reconstruction of the rooms.[2] The nail marks on the walls of the shower rooms are a result of modern vandalism.[3]



Masturbation Machines



Swimming Pool



Investigation by the Red Cross

After the War

Soviet Reconstructions

