Opinion - Thoughts on Fascism

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Oceans of blood spilled, without a shred of remorse

Thoughts On Fascism

What is a Fascist?

Today's omni-present, pervasive, "Mind & Opinion Control Mechanism" works feverishly, around the clock, to muddy the waters. Confuse the innocent. And undermine -even- the meaning of once-common phrases and terminology. It's called 'sowing confusion'. Disorientating their enemy. You, and me. It's how they roll.

I was alive in an age when 'gay' meant jolly, happy, carefree. Nothing else. Today? If I say "he's kind of gay?" Watch out. And if I'm in polite, conservative society, and I decide to go out for a cigarette? I'd better not solemnly announce (like in the old days) that I'm going to go out to smoke a fag. In some places, that once harmless statement? Will really raise eyebrows.

Thus it is with the term, and definition of 'Fascism'. If you go to Wikipedia, also known as jew-Pedia, and you try and make what you think is a correction? You will soon discover hardened activists camped out, 24/7, on the pages of important Historical events. As well as the not so important pages.

Small Example: as a high-time commercial helicopter pilot, who has flown all over the world, all kinds of weather and terrain, including five years flying helicopters off tuna boats? In the middle of the Pacific? A high accident environment. Who even wrote a safety manual for tuna helicopter pilots? Called 'Moggy's Tuna Manual'? Aimed at showing pilots how to stay alive and not get killed? You think I might be qualified to utter a squeak? Hell, no. I was not spared the fury of some desk bound, psychic, GreenPeace type activist, who knew way better all what goes on out there. Who undid & cancelled all my corrections and additions. And then hotly emailed me to mind my own business, because I didn't know what I was talking about. O-kay. I won't bother trying again.

The same goes if you or I even tried to change or amend anything to do with 'Fascism'. If you believe the snooty 'superior-intellect' mob, occupying Wikipedia, then Fascists are not nice people. They may even be horrible people. This is what you will learn about Fascism:


Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultra-fascist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

This entry naturally features a photo of Hitler and Mussolini standing together, staring into the camera in an obligatory, Fascist-style, deep scowl. Put it this way, they are not going to pop in images of Hitler posing proudly with children, or stroking his dog.

Small wonder then that today's University students, at year-round campus party town? Use the term 'Fascist!' purely as a vicious epithet. A slur. An insult. Mind, it seems these days the standards set for academic knowledge in the USA are through the basement floor anyway. I listen to people swanning around with all sorts of degrees. In amazement. A Master's Degree in many fields these days does not even require half the knowledge of what was once mandatory for a Bachelor's Degree. Nor does it appear to require familiarity with basic rules of Grammar.


Even worse, a handy Ph.D. these days, can be yours (ghost writers' fees included), conveyor-belt style, for a set fee; then, you too, can swan around like the 'cold bitch' in the White House. Mrs Biden. The former baby-sitter. Now baby-sitting the President of the USA.

(the label 'cold bitch' isn't mine. That's according to her stepdaughter).

You too, can then proudly tell everybody "Call me Doctor". And glory in your presumed, far superior intelligence. And hence your absolute, divine right? To tell your husband, to tell everybody else, how to live their lives.

I submit the term 'Fascism' deserves a much more careful definition. More balanced, good and bad. More accurate. We may wonder if any ideology or belief set of men, anywhere, at any time, has ever been perfect. Mistakes are always made. It is the way of Man. However, the moral bravery, and often piercing insight & eloquence of men like Adolf Hitler, who was indisputably confronted with his beloved nation in Weimar ruins? Who was appalled at the many injustices? Who clearly saw the greedy, and arch-cynical jewish role in the abysmal exploitation of the German people? Who saw their immorality, their debauchery, their love of all things perverse? Who fought murderous jewish-Bolshevik communism? Who faced off against the jewish architects and financiers of the most brutal series of genocides ever inflicted on humanity?

Needs honoring. Exploring.


For while the West still sleeps? Even today?

The demons dance.

Those terrible, planned, premeditated, soulless genocides?

That no American school child or University student is EVER taught?

Are being planned, to repeat. 

