Holohoax Memorial Days
Holocaust Memorial Day or Holocaust Remembrance Day are various days proclaimed to be commemorations of the Holocaust.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
The most common date is 27 January (International Holocaust Remembrance Day) as proclaimed by the United Nations, the European Union, and many individual countries. It is the date when the Soviet forces reached Auschwitz in 1945.
See the articles on Elie Wiesel, Primo Levi, and Israel Gutman on jews stated to prefer to join the SS leaving Auschwitz, rather than to wait for liberation at the hand of the Communists. Soviet soldiers plundered and raped those they liberated at Auschwitz, including raping to death, according to witness testimonies. Soviet POWs that had been held at Auschwitz were viewed as traitors for having capitulated and were sent to the Gulag camp system. Many Eastern Europeans viewed the Soviet Communists not as liberators, but as occupiers.[1]
Today, there are numerous events in many countries on this date, including in Auschwitz, which are often attended by numerous prominent individuals. The less politically correct aspects are seldom mentioned.
See also Western Holocaust camps: Allied atrocities at the Western camps on Allied atrocities at the liberation of other Holocaust camps.
Yom HaShoah
Israel has Yom HaShoah on 27 Nisan (April/May) in the Hebrew calendar. The United States has proclaimed an entire 8-day period around this date for commemorations.
The original Israeli proposal was to hold Yom HaShoah on the 14th of Nisan, the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, but it was too close to Passover, and instead moved to a day eight days before the Israeli Independence Day. The date is considered to relate to both the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and to the Israeli Independence Day, one example of how the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and the violent creation of Israel are claimed to be related to one another.
Many fundamentalist jews dislike this date, because in the jewish tradition the month of Nisan is considered a joyous month, and instead use traditional jewish days of mourning.
Other dates
Some countries use other dates, which are typically the anniversary dates of local events related to the Holocaust.
Nothing similar regarding the (mass media) attention given exists for the victims of World War II in general. This despite the war causing around ten times more deaths than the six million jews number. There is the Time of Remembrance and Reconciliation for Those Who Lost Their Lives during the Second World War, on May 8 and 9 each year, but it receives little attention compared to the Holocaust Memorial Days.
Also, nothing similar exists for the victim of the mass killings under Communist regimes, despite some estimates stating one hundred million or more victims.
More generally, nothing similar exists for the victims of numerous other mass killings and genocides throughout history.
Furthermore, there is strong tendency to only mention jews and not the non-jewish alleged victims.
A quasi-religious ritual is to light six candles for the six million jews (while ignoring the non-jews).
See also the article on Holocaust uniqueness.
See the article on Holocaustianity.
See also
- Passover - Commemorating alleged events that included alleged mass killings of non-jews.
- Purim - Commemorating alleged events that included alleged mass killings of non-jews.
External links
- Jan27 - Revisionist website.
- โ Holocaust Handbooks, Volume 15: Germar Rudolf: Lectures on the HolocaustโControversial Issues Cross Examined 2nd, revised and corrected edition. http://holocausthandbooks.com/index.php?page_id=15
This article is not based.
Its weak and faggy. Somebody copied it over from some woke SJW source, and now its namby-pamby wording is gaying up our program.