The Communication Gap

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The Communication Gap is a commentary by Dr. William Pierce which appeared in the National Alliance Bulletin of July 1980.

"Dr. Pierce spoke to a group of Alliance members and supporters at a Sunday-evening meeting in the National Office last month, following his addresses in New York and Chicago. He outlined the message he had delivered in those two addresses, part of which was printed in last monthโ€™s Bulletin. Essentially, he had used The Turner Diaries to illustrate the ongoing battle between two world views and two sets of values, one individual-centered and the other life-centered. He pointed out that the actual plot of the novel, with its. Bombings and assassinations and nuclear war, is purely fiction, without any special significance, but that the struggle between world views is real, and that the portrayal of this struggle is the whole purpose of the book."

"In his New York and Chicago addresses he had then related this struggle to the task of the National Alliance, pointing out that the Alliance must embody and institutionalize Earl Turnerโ€™s values and work to insure that they prevail over the values of mass man. After this outline he talked to the group in the National Office about one minority reaction which had come from individuals in both the New York and Chicago audiences. The following material is condensed from Dr. Pierceโ€™s National Office remarks:"


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The Communication Gap by Dr. William Pierce

When I had finished my talks in Chicago and New York, I answered questions form the audiences. In both cases I received a few questions of the sort, โ€œWell, all this business about values is fine, but tell us what weโ€™re supposed to do.โ€ What the questioners meant was, โ€œWhat actions should we take now to get the Blacks and jews off our backs right away, so we can return to the sort of life we had before 1960?โ€

I was a little disappointed by these questions, but not surprised. I was reminded of an anecdote told me by Ed Fields, who heads the National States Rights Party. He had just finished haranguing a crowd in a small Georgia town, telling them about the importance of preserving the White race and Western civilization, when someone form the crowd shouted back, โ€œWe donโ€™t want to hear all the crap about race. Just tell us what to do about the niggers!โ€

In both Chicago and New York I had already spent the better part of an hour explaining why nothing really effective and lasting can be done about our racial problems until we had first gained at least a few major beachheads in the war of values. I had carefully explained, using several illustrations, why our race cannot defend itself effectively against the jews so long as its priorities are all based on the values of mass man.

But apparently all that went completely over the heads of some members of the two audiences. They want to be handed a solution to the immediate and concrete racial problems confronting them. They can understand solutions involving ballots or solutions involving bullets, but they miss the point altogether when one talks to them about values. They believe all talk about values is just some sort of ideological flypaper or philosophical window dressing to give the Alliance a fancy image.

Some of these people, frustrated at the lack of an answer from us which they can understand, will spend their energies on things they can understand. Some will campaign for Ronald Reagan and some will join the Ku Klux Klan. Some may engage in individual activities, like the Pennsylvania sniper who dispatched interracial couples with his rifle. We certainly donโ€™t want to discourage that last activity, but it is clear that, until there is a single group embodying our values which is larger enough and strong enough to make those values prevail, we cannot win with either ballots or bullets. But there will be many people who will not be able to understand that.

We have, in other words, a very severe communication gap, not only between us and the general public, but also between us and many racially oriented patriots. There are two ways we can bridge that gap. One is by continuing to reoriented peopleโ€™s thinking by indirect means., such as ideological fiction. The other is though front activities, which address themselves only to those issues that people on the other side of the communication gap can understand.

The latter way does not really cure the lack of understanding or lead to a change of values, but it makes use of people who otherwise would be of little or no value to our effort. In any event, however, we are not ready yet to engage in front activities on a substantial scale. We will still be addressing ourselves primarily, although not exclusively, to people on our side of the gap for the immediate future.

All this is just one more reminder that we are an elite and are following an elite strategy. In the next few years many people will attempt to do may different things in an effort to cure our raceโ€™s most acute and noticeable problems, and we will just have to let them go their own way, for the most part, because we know that we have something else to do--something which ultimately will answer all the questions and solve all the problems, but which for now is only for the few.
Source: "The Communication Gap" by Dr. William Pierce from National Alliance Bulletin July 1980.

See also