Opinion - The Holohoax Flowery Lie Industry

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Muh Holohoax!

The Holohoax Flowery Lie Industry

‘Castles of the Holohoax – that, when questioned, instantly evaporate’. (murmured the cynic)

How does one even approach this task: trying (your simple best) to understand the (super profitable) Holohoax Lie Industry?

Most of us live busy lives. Other stuff going on. Time (and energy) is at a premium. So, in my tiny mind, I like ‘clarity in thought’.

I try to write ‘readable prose’. My stories, and my 7 books on helicopters, flying & frequent ‘Stupid’, have often received what is for me, an accolade:

“It’s easy to read.”


Why, I ask, should anything be NOT easy to read? The more wildly obscure the language, the more, ‘advanced’ and ‘erudite’ it must be? Really?

Or are we just prepping the road, to snidely proclaim that something was written for ‘academics’ and ‘professionals’. Therefore, you simple-minded peon, it’s quite above YOUR intellectual level. Don’t trouble your tiny mind with things YOU are simply not ‘equipped’ to deal with.

(Oh, yeah?  Snotty b*st*rd…! Condescending, some?)  

That’s straying precariously close to THIS:

“Shut up. Be quiet. Don’t ask questions. Just take our learned word for it:  you nasty White people are responsible for six million jewish deaths. You should be ashamed! Be very ashamed! Give generously to the poor survivors….!”

(No. F*ck you. I’ll ask questions if I want to. LOTS of questions.)

So then we ask questions. What happens? Instant outrage! Often, abuse, venom, and rather crude accusations of being a goose-stepping Nazi, a Hitler worshiper, and/or dark and ominous statements. The ominous statements? I had one just yesterday.

And no end in sight...!

“If you do not believe that six million jews were murdered?  Then I wonder if you are part of the problem.”

(What does that even MEAN? If I don’t agree with YOUR assertion, YOUR solemn and stern invocation of the Holohoax MYTH, then I must somehow be co-responsible for it occurring in the first place? I was the happy dude pouring the Zyklon-B pellets? Through holes in the ceiling that weren't punched in yet, until after the end of the war? (by the Russians, ffs?)

No. I wasn’t even BORN yet. I’m not responsible for the Holohoax, I’m not responsible for black slavery, and anyway, if you dig deeper, the IRISH were brought across to the US as SLAVES in vast numbers. Because they were declared by the British Monarch to be worth less than dogs.

Oh, AND, Mordechai, have you checked who ALL actually OWNED those slave ships? The JEWS…

So then they try and quickly switch tactics into (boy, this gets to be so repetitive and tiresome):

‘Castles of the Holohoax – that, when questioned, instantly evaporate’.

"Tragically, the remaining six million were lost"

I had one the other day. “75% of the jews who were deported from Holland never returned.” I immediately asked:  

“WHAT do you base that on?”


I was waiting for them to mention, tearfully, the worn-out ‘Diary of Anne Frank’, and the movies, documentaries, but…. most people DO finally seem to have figured out that it was her father (plus a professional jewish forger) who wrote it. (And made a fortune out of it). (well done, Mordechai) That fraud is just another exposed fraud and HOAX, on the great big long list of frauds & HOAXES, that were ONCE revered, unquestionable, ICONS of the Holohoax FAITH.

Castles of the Holohoax...

(And saying that you heard ‘it’ from somebody, who heard it, from the brother of the girlfriend, of the shoemaker jew who was deported, and sadly never came back? Kinda fishy, no?  He’s probably in Israel, happily buried, having raised a whole clan of shoemakers)

Never mind, when you are dealing with such a goose-stepping idiot as Moggy, you can always try baffling him with BIG words. You know, words with more than two syllables. He’s clearly a neo-Nazi. So, apart from being immoral? He’s also stupid, an utter IQ retard, right? Let's baffle him with long words.

“The Holohoax History is best left to professionals and academics. The dynamic of the spatio temporal indices, and the fluidity of the available literature, as with the delicate sensitivity of probing hitherto poorly researched aspects of socio-environmental barometers, leads us to allow for a Q-factor spread in the customary, and often precipitate, initial nuances of traumatized survivor reporting.”


(Yes, I wrote that, just for the fun of it. A mischievous moment. Tongue-in-cheek.)   

Meh. Readable is good. It’s supposed to be readable, I say.

Switching my attention to the Holohoax, and the fabled ‘Six Million jews’, (which I once believed in), I started to write with the same bog-Irish simple mindset.  

To wit, I wanted to:

A) understand it all better myself

B) write notes for ME (‘cos there’s no way I can remember all that stuff), and also write those notes that may appeal to other busy, sincere, hate-free, ordinary folk.

Who really would LIKE to also understand the Holohoax better. But don’t have the time & energy to spend sixteen hours a day slogging through a morass of wordy Verbal Quicksand.

C) and I thought by publishing MY simple study notes, others might jump in and help ME better understand what-the-heck.

I don’t have an ‘agenda’ (that I’m aware of), no, I don’t have a large Hitler portrait over my bed, and, no, I don’t diligently practice the goose step.

(I’d break my neck, ffs)

It's a racket, to end all rackets...

I just want to know… what is this thing.  

The ‘suffering of the jews’ is absolutely not some unique, one-off event in History. That didn’t happen to anybody else, therefore they should be raised forever on a pedestal, massively compensated forever, and forever (by way of White Guilt) be IMMUNE to ANY and ALL legitimate criticism of their (many) off-the-wall actions…!  That’s even if it were TRUE, which, we respectfully submit, It is NOT.

A careful weighing of the pesky EVIDENCE? Shows it is shamelessly hyped into infinity, for crude, shekel-shekel, pecuniary GAIN.

Just like Anne Frank's, forger-written, wail and sob-sob.

The ‘suffering of the jews’ is NOT some unique, one-off event in History.

So, for me, the ‘Holohoax Normie Challenge List' is simply a very basic tool, (sounding board), with which to measure the truth content of wordy articles, and sweeping ‘Six Million jews’ MYTH claims.

I’ve listed merely some. There’s lots more ‘sticking points. It just takes time to write them all up. Anybody is welcome to contribute any thoughts or input on the ‘Holohoax Normie challenge list’. Call it “Holohoax for Dummies” if you like. Work-in-progress. Written by a Dummy.

Now when you actually, list in hand, GO to some of these revered, super scholarly, ooh-la-la, Holohoax writers who feverishly (and furiously) PROMOTE the ‘Six Million jews’? And read (decipher) what they have to say? they don’t even MENTION those ‘sticking points’. That all gets very simply & conveniently, flat-out, ignored.

By-passed. Not answered. Instead, they are off on a one-track horse, by the name of ‘Six Million’. And absolutely everything they write? Is designed to be, get this, as UN-readable for the layman as humanly possible.

Houseofcards (1).png

See my satire entry above.

And, excuse me, don’t we all wonder why? I’ve read some of these well-funded, so-called ‘scholarly works’, and, increasingly, I have come to the conclusion that I was being royally bathed in erudite bluster. Commonly referred to as… (uh-huh). Bovine origin fertilizer.

Here is one such. See what you think:

“Quantifying the Holohoax: Hyper intense kill rates during the Nazi genocide”, by Lewi Stone.


I’ve read the whole thing, (Lordie!), and I started quoting from it, and comment, here: [[1]]

I submit it’s a really good example of verbal diarrhea dressed up as ‘honey and herb glazed rack of lamb’.

Trying to make it SO complicated, that it’s really just endlessly repeated, pro-Holohoax PROPAGANDA, dressed up behind a smoke screen of highly dubious graphs, and sweeping assumptions.

And thus, constituting, in essence?

