The Wind is Shifting (Arab-Israeli conflict)
The Wind is Shifting is a commentary by Dr. William Pierce which appeared in the National Alliance Bulletin of June 1982.
This is a source text. Spelling and smaller errors in the content can be corrected. The source is given in the "Source" part.
Several Alliance members have expressed their disappointment over recent events in the Middle East. They are depressed because the conquest of Lebanon was so easy for the jews, and because the U.S. government and the controlled media have reacted so mildly to it. "It seems obvious," one of them said, "that the jews always get whatever they want."
It is, of course, disappointing that the Palestinians managed to kill so few of the invaders; The PLO has a pretty sorry excuse for an army. But a few hundred or ever a few thousand jews more or less in the world is not of fundamental importance at the stage of the struggle. And, certainly, we should not be surprised by the behavior of either the controlled media or the controlled politicians. It is no worse now than it has been in the past.
What is important about the jewish conquest of Lebanon is that it was, as our member noted, so obvious. Perhaps Dan Rather and the other leading media spokesmen didnโt have much to say about many things deserving more comment, such as the casualness with which the jews admitted to using U.S.-supplied cluster bombs on the Palestinian refugee camps. But the TV image of an Israeli tank crew laughing, joking, and eating their lunch in a shattered Lebanese village, while files swarmed over the corpses of the dead villagers in the background, said it all. The tank crewmanโs apologetic explanation, "Ve had to kill them; the terrorists vere hiding among them," was more eloquent than the most ferocious anti-Semiteโs denunciation could have been.
Yes, itโs obvious that the Israelis have a stronger army than the Palestinians or the Syrians do. But that, in the long run, is not crucial. The key to the jewsโ future--and, therefore, to the future of our own race--does not lied in the Middle East, but in the United States. The Palestinians and their Arab friends might conceivable get the upper hand over the Israelis, even annihilate them altogether, but so long as the jews continue to control public opinion in America, their race will thrive and ours will continue to decline. But if the jews ever lose favor in the United States, then they are finished--everywhere--regardless of how easily they have been able to humiliate the Arabs in the Middle East.
The Israeli conquest of Lebanon had done more to erode jewish favor in the United States and Europe than everything else which has happened in the world since 1945. To those who observe only the most superficial features of the media masters, the preceding statement may not be convincing. But appearances can be misleading, and in this case they are. What Senators Moynihan or Cranston or Kennedy say is not significant. It is predictable. It has already been bought and paid for. And once can hardly expect Mr. Sulzbergerโs New York Times or Mrs. Meyer Grahamโs Washington Post to change its basic editorial stance on questions of concern to the jews.
It is only when one looks beneath the surface that it becomes clear that the wind is, indeed, shifting. Mary McGrory, an Irish Catholic columnist for the Washington Post, is about as far to the left as is possible to be. She just loves Blacks and "boat people" and homosexuals and everything else that is bad for America. She used to love jews too, and she would probably claim she still does if asked. But she was outraged by the failure of the leading politicians of the Democratic Party to condemn Israel during their convention in Philadelphia on June 27. When she lambasted them for their pusillanimous behavior in her column of June 29, she did not refer to the power of the "Israeli lobby," as has been conventional heretofore; she came right out and said that they were afraid of the jewish lobby. Nor did this preface her caustic commentary on the behavior of the Israelis with a palliative recounting of the gas-chamber tales from World War II days, which always has been considered de rigeur.
Mary McGrory is not alone. Father Berrigan, the pacifist priest, has been even more explicit in his remarks. And so have dozens of others, most of them in the second rank of the media, the church, and the academy. But what is said in the second rank is usually more significant, because it more nearly reflects genuine feeling, than what is said in the front rank, where everything is sham. What has dawned on many liberals, and is beginning to dawn on the rest, is that the jews are the new "Nazis."
The more perceptive liberals see Israel as the primary threat to the peace of the world today, and they are frightened and disturbed by the fact that the politicians they have supported are incapable of speaking out against this threat. As Mary McGrory observed, when it comes to blindly supporting jewish interests, thereโs no difference between Teddy Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. But the liberal reaction goes far beyond intellectual perceptions. The Israelis, smugly blasting the Palestinians to smithereens, are seen in just about the same light the German Wehrmacht, blasting its way across Poland in 1939, was. And the jewish apologists in this country for the Israelis are beginning to look about like the German-American Bund did to an earlier generation of liberals.
The fact that the Germans were, from our point of view, the good guys in 1939, is beside the point. So is the fact that the image of arrogant, jackbooted, monocled Nazis swaggering around and bashing out babies' brains is a false image, created by the jews in order to reinforce the Gentile liberals' anti-Nazi feelings. What is relevant is that the jews are fitting that image more and more closely today, and the liberals are having the same gut reaction to it they had more than 40 years ago.
The CBS Evening News passed as quickly and silently as it could over the spectacle of Menachem Begin ranting to a sea of empty seats in the meeting chamber of the United Nationals General Assembly a few days ago, but that was a scene full of the weightiest portents for the future. Israel has alienated itself from the world by its behavior, and no amount of rehashed World War II propaganda can ever restore the spell which formerly permitted the Israelis to portray themselves as a valiant but sensitive people, still haunted by the memory of concentration camps. Of infinitely greater significance, however is the fact that when the spell broke for Israel, it also broke for world jewry. What Gentile university professor today can speak to his students about the sufferings of the poor, persecuted jews without at least a nagging fear that he might be jeered out of the classroom?
The present state of affairs should not be exaggerated. The booboisie have not changed their opinions yet, and the prostitutes of press, pulpit, and podium will try mightily to keep everyone in line. Much will seem the same as it was before for a long while. What is talking place is a historical change, and historical changes are usually slow. But the fact is that thinking Gentile liberals will never again feel quite the same about jews. And, despite the entrenched jewish position in the media, what the Gentile liberals feel will have a growing effect on what everyone feels. Eventually, even Joe Sixpack will be parroting a slightly different line.
It would be the height of folly to envision any sort of cooperation between us and the liberals against a common enemy in the future. The liberals will hate us as much as they always have. And those of them who oppose the jews will oppose them for exactly the opposite reason we oppose the jews: we because we recognize the jews as the principal carries and promoters of the sickness which afflicts our people and is destroying our race, and they because they realize that the jews themselves are by nature immune to the sickness.
Despite this irreconcilable difference between us and the liberals, our own work can only be helped by the change which is taking place. For our purposes, it does not matter what Mary McGroryโs motivation is when she writes about the unhealthy power of the jewish lobby. What matters is that the person who has read her words will, if he has not himself been corrupted by the liberal sickness, be more receptive to our words.