The Germans weren’t brutal enough

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The Germans weren’t brutal enough is an excerpted commentary by Dr. William Pierce which appeared in ACTION: Internal Bulletin of the National Alliance, No. 47, January 1976.


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The Germans weren’t brutal enough by Dr. William L. Pierce

We Westerners have had it pretty easy these past few centuries. Our superiority in the arts of war and peace has been so overwhelming that we have met no serious challenge from other races. Accordingly, we have vented our aggressiveness almost exclusively on one another. The bloodshed has been enormous, but we have, nevertheless, generally exercised certain restraints. We developed a code of proper behavior in fighting one another, which, although it was often violated, still has had a generally beneficial influence. At least, its intent was thoroughly admirable.

But we are faced with an entirely new situation now--and, in fact, have been since World War II, which was our first really major conflict in a long time in which the West was opposed by a non-Western enemy (although most Americans didn’t realize that at the time, and still don’t). We are now in the era of race war, and we had better learn a new set or rules pretty damned quick.

With the exception of the Pacific theater, the two primary forces in opposition in World War II were Europe and jewry. The Germans fought for Europe, and the Americans, the British, the Russians, and the various communist partisan groups fought for jewry. Europe--and the West--lost the war, and one of the reasons we lost (though certainly not the only reason) was that the Germans just weren’t brutal enough. They were mentally and morally unprepared to wage war jewish-style.

When the Germans encountered guerrilla opposition in France and in the occupied eastern and southeastern territories, they just couldn’t cope with it--much as Americans found themselves unable to cope with guerrillas in the Indochina more recently. The Germans took hostages, and they even shot a few, but that was just what the guerrillas wanted them to do. The Germans never were able to solve the guerrilla problem, and they were obliged to devote a major portion of their military effort to it throughout the war.

The Red Army, on the other hand, had no such problem, for they knew exactly how to deal with guerrillas. They were perfectly prepared to depopulate a thousand square miles of occupied enemy territory--to kill every living thing, guerilla or other wise--at the first sign of civilian resistance. Even in the Soviet Union itself, entire national groups (the Volga Germans, for example) who were considered to be a potential threat to the Soviet war effort were uprooted en masse and deported to Siberia--millions of people--with enormous suffering and loss of life. In Poland the Reds nipped any anti-communist resistance in the bud by simply exterminating, in the Katyn Forest and elsewhere, practically the entire Polish officer corps, which , during wartime, comprised most of Poland’s leaders.

When the Red Army stormed into Germany they were egged on by the Soviet-jewish propaganda commissar, Ilya Ehrenburg, who exhorted the communist troops to use mass rape and murder as means to subduing the civilian population:

Kill! Kill! In the German race there is nothing but evil; not one among the living, not one among the yet unborn but is evil! Follow the precepts of Comrade Stalin. Stamp out the fascist beast once and for all in its lair! Use force and break the racial pride of these Germanic women. Take them as your lawful booty. Kill! As you storm onward, kill, you gallant soldiers of the Red Army!

A great many people are evidently of the opinion that it’s better to lose a war than to sully one’s honor by stooping to jewish tactics in order to win it. Perhaps that is so, when White people are the only ones in the arena. Then the consequences of a lost war are a loss of territory, a change of politicians, perhaps more taxes and a lower standard of living for a few decades.

But in the struggle we are now facing, infinitely more is at stake. We lost the last round, and the consequence for that loss has been more catastrophic for us than any other war in history. If we lose the next round, we lose everything forever. If the White race goes down, then the whole meaning--even any memory--of honor, of chivalry, of fair play goes down also.

Anyway, Americans are no longer entitled to make such a fuss about playing by the rules. What we have already done at the behest of the jews--in World War II and since--has made a mockery of any claim to national honor we may have once had. What we flatter ourselves with by imagining as chivalry or decency is really hypocritical squeamishness. We are dangerously soft, not dangerously decent.

The fact is that we are up against any enemy who thinks nothing--absolutely nothing--of cutting throats, of gouging eyes, of liquidating prisoners by the millions, while the very thought of having to us a knife--or a crowbar--to kill an enemy is terrifying and abhorrent to the average White American. He is simply not mentally prepared to survive in the jungle which racial integration is making of America.

It is no longer a matter of preserving his principles, but of preserving his race and all its posterity, to the end of time. The average American, as already mentioned, does not seem to understand this--or to be prepared to make the necessary adjustments if he did understand it. But we in the National Alliance are not average Americans. We are people who, more that anyone else except the jews, know exactly what is at stake.

So, let us make up our minds. Are we going to do whatever is necessary to win the struggle for control of the future of this planet in which we are now engaged, or are we not? The National Alliance is no place for persons who are not sure of the answer.
Source: "The Germans weren’t brutal enough" by Dr. William Pierce from National Alliance Bulletin January 1976 [1]

See also