Opinion - A slight tension, of note
A slight tension, of note
So if you read revisionist writers like Carlo Mattogno, Jurgen Graf, etc, you will find an 'academic approach'. To the Holohoax Truth Quest.
What does that mean? Well, fact-seeking, lots of footnotes, and clearly a search for new answers. Shaking up, ruthlessly testing, old mantras. No sacred cows! Compilation of data. Painstaking methodology. Not a lot of passion. Not a lot (if any) "ideology". I think that irks some people, and you see it in the comments. ("Dry as dust". "No soul, no passion.") Certainly, you won't see "THIS is WRONG, and... THIS is what we gotta damn well DO about it."
On the other side? The passionata crowd, full of fire and vigor, mad as hell, an' we ain't gonna take it no more. AmmIright?
I submit you need both sides. Both teams. The dry-as-termite-poop-dust archivists and scholars, AND the man-the-barricades, battle flag fluttering, one breast unfurled (I'm thinking of you, Joanne of Arc), relentless warriors.
And I imagine many an academic-type will look down his nose at the Joanne of Arc (breast hanging out or not), and many a firebrand will fall asleep on dear old Carlo.
All of which is meant to say I personally intend to try to practice each approach more rigorously. Just to amuse myself. Go from dry-as-poop style (stay factual), to La Passionata.
'Cos I admit?
I always liked Joan's.