Opinion - When even the Irish? Are lost for words

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When even the Irish? Are lost for words

I had another one of those baffling interviews the other day. With a nice, devout, faithful, well-meaning, um..., Pentecostal-Evangelical type. Amen-Amen. Hallelujah. Repeated. Chorus. Tears in eyes. Love brimming over. Mature lady, far from stupid, grandmother, big warm heart. Not well off at all, but tithes her 10% faithfully to her church. Would rather go hungry and shoe-less, than miss out on giving to her church. Always invites me along. Loves Jesus. Lives for the Rapture.


(I'd never -ever- go, 'cos I'd spontaneously burst into flames, I just know it. Or get carried out screaming hysterically)

And the good lady... (I struggle for the gentle expression here)... knows Sweet Fanny Adams about History.

But, and this is the kicker?

Could not care less. they never DO.

No matter what way 'round you approach it? (Their logic.... I just shudder) They don't NEED to study History, because God says so.

(He does what!?)

"It's in the Bible, not to occupy ourselves with the affairs of the world. God is in charge."

(Yeah, but, yeah, but... don't you need to see the enemy? See him coming? See what he is doing? Understand the enemy?)

"No, God does that. We just have to trust God, and wait for the Rapture."

(Yeah, but, yeah, but...) (Okay, different tack. Do you believe that Adolf Hitler was a very evil person, and that he murdered Six Million jews?)

"Oh, yes, everybody knows that."

(I proceed to patiently give a short History lesson, enumerating a bullet list of reasons why the Holohoax is as bogus as a triple-mortgaged chocolate ashtray)


"Well, that's as may be, but we're not really interested in any of that. We just want to love Jesus."

(But why aren't you interested? The jews have milked BILLIONS out of the world's economies with this extortion scam. That's the same jews behind Biden, running this usurper US Government, looting the Treasury any-which-way-they-possibly-CAN, sending Billions and Billions off to Ukraine -supposedly- and....)

"We just want to serve the Lord!"

(Ye-e-e-e-s, I get that. But wouldn't you serve the Lord better by seriously investigating all the ways the country is being deliberately steered into the abyss? The way our children are being exposed to pedophiles? Don't you think you should inform yourself, to be better able to judge what's wholesome for your children to...)

"No, we don't judge. God judges!"

(Oh, fer-fux-sake! Okay, if I give you a shovel, and ask you to dig a hole in my vegetable garden, are you going to use the spade to dig the damn hole, or are you going to lean on the flaming thing, and pray to God for a hole??)

"Oh, I'm going to use the spade!"

(No, you are NOT! Going on your track record, you are going to, happy-clappy, have a grand old, saved, Holy-Holy session, burn the shovels to demonstrate your Faith, and pray to God for fifty holes, when I only asked for ONE! ) (and with my luck, I'll go out for a late night stroll, and fall into one!)

"Francis, have you actually read the Bible?"

She asks the question very seriously. Maybe she sees horns growing out of my head, and smells sulfur. We are in my study, so I grab two Bibles, one of them a King James, that I have owned for nigh on fifty years, and are suitably dog-eared, battered to hell, high-lighted, and coffee-stained. Notes scribbled in the margins. I don't think there's any bloodstains. Yet. But, I swear, if she keeps going on like that...? There bloody well will be.

I despair. There's millions of 'em. they are all the same. they will learn vast amounts of verses in the Bible off by heart. You'll know. they are lying in wait. In ambush. For any excuse. To go off and spout. Totally off-topic, of course. But... they know nu-think, zero, nada, about true World History. Sometimes they might claim they do. But it's Hollywood on steroids, or echoes of thousands of terminally lying, jewish Holohoax crisis actors. And so many of them love-love-love Israel. It's the Holy Land. The home of the jews. That's God's chosen people. If you go against the jews, you are going against God. And see how well that will work out for you...

Dear, oh dear. Scofield Bible and Zion rules. Their preachers? Their shepherds? Failed used car salesmen. Hungry. Broke. Un-loved. Switched from the used car lot, oil stains and cold fries?

To the fuzzy warm delights of the pulpit, and glorious adulation, every Sunday.
