Opinion - What are the motives behind the Holohoax scam?

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Question: What are the motives behind the holohoax scam?

Quotebubble.png Here's a question that was posed to me today that I didn't feel I answered satisfactorily:

What is the motive for the holohoax? The evidence is very good. There are incentives (avoiding culpability for fomenting war, for one). But how would you explain the motive? That's a genuine question that I think deserves a detailed answer

Good Question.

1) Covering up their own crimes

Hiding the historical facts relating to the absolute bloodbath tsunami unleashed upon humanity by the Khazarian, opportunistic interloper, fake jews. From the 1917 Bolshevik coup, and resultant bloodbath, via the treatment of the Kulaks, the Holodomor, the Armenian genocide, the scuppering of the Kaiser's peace overtures during WW1, their endless scheming and demonic intrigues? Their meddling in China?

Nobody, but then nobody, can hold a candle to these cruel, interlopers, pretend jews, when it comes to mass murder, and deliberate ethnic cleansing. So the Holohoax gives this mob the chance to (outrageously) actually play victim, wail and cry, and the world, naively, falls for it.

2) Greed, reparations, extortion

There's no business like Shoah business. Meaning that they milk it for every last dollar. The Khazarian gangsters are myopic to the nth degree in terms of spiritual outlook. they are not alone in that all too human failing, but really do take it to galactic scale excess. It's like they think they are immortal, and the only game in town is amassing 'money', at the expense of absolutely everybody else. Even their own. I saw one estimate, way out of date, that the German Government alone has paid out three hundred billion dollars. jews, with their myopic outlook? Can see no further than the next scam. No holds barred. For people who boast of their superior 'culture' and IQ? they are remarkably materialistic, greedy, and plain dumb.

3) Power play, political leverage The fake jews use the Holohoax to leverage far-ranging immunity from any and all deserved scrutiny & way overdue criticism of Khazars and Israel. With their stranglehold on the (privately owned) misnamed 'Federal Reserve' (owned by a cozy little clique of jewish bankers) they are without conscience or scruple, when it comes to ruthlessly amassing control over Governments, the media, Movies, and the general opinion and mindset of too many weak-minded Americans. Who, ironically? The jews privately hold in utter contempt. The Holohoax and the Pavlovian guilt trip (Oh! Muh Holohoax!), is used to silence those who would protest this. The education colossus of McGraw-Hill print & publish American High school and University text books. The fake History teaching (Germany bad, Allies good) has increasingly diverted so far from the truth, that Americans are not just brainwashed. They are lobotomized.

The Boomer generation lead the way in this voluntary ignorance, closely allied with the Bible belt, Scofield Bible intrusion, and the pitifully over-used, general mantra. I have been told this literally, word-for-word:

"jews are God's chosen people, and if you go against the jews, you are going against God. See how that will work out for you."

As long as intellectually lazy-as-slugs Americans will NOT make any effort to do the research? The RICO operation of the Fake jews can steam ahead with little opposition.

These are all very good reasons for the mob to scheme and intrigue, to keep this holohoax scam going as long as possible.

They are without shame.
