
The holohoax

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Hard evidence contradicting a "holocaust"

The "Holocaust" was NOT a genocide. This is fact. It really never happened, there were not even so called "6 million" jews in Europe at that time and were not even enough ovens to burn that amount as it was peaceful in Auschwitz, most "holocaust" survivors even admit to making up these stories and are even paid to cry and boo hoo on camera to how "terrible" it was when all Auschwitz was, was a concentration camp for Jews, they were taken care of there. They have pools, a soccer field, an orchestra, and all these facts are hidden and you will hear nothing else other than it was "torcher".

In the face of extensive credible evidence, volumes of governmental documents from both sides that fail to mention any hint of a planned genocide, "confessions" made only under torture, doctored photographs, lack of any film footage, no written records, testimony by wholly independent groups such as the International Red Cross, lack of physical proof or bodies, not to mention the remains of the concentration camps themselves, ridiculous and impossible stories and crematoria insufficient by several orders of magnitude, the ongoing multibillion dollar Holocaust industry continues to persist.[1]

There were camps, but they were hardly death camps. In fact, they were far more comfortable than their Japanese, Italian,  American, Russian, or British equivalents. Implicitly and explicitly, it is very easily shown that this entire story is just that, a story. The math does not work. The science doesn't work. Some of the stories make JFK's magic bullet seem very reasonable. There is zero physical evidence of any kind, just stories from disgruntled inmates, and tales by Jewish propagandists who simply wanted reparations from Germany (Which they are getting), the creation of a Jewish state (Which they also got), and now the continuation of a multi-billion dollar Holocaust story industry.[2]

Original 1948 teport.
Documents from the International Red Cross, final 1984 report, who had complete and total access to all camps, showing the tragic deaths and their causes. Mostly of Typhus. No mention of surprise shower gas chambers, death rays, roller coasters, or any of the other highly unlikely and completely impossible causes.

The Holocaust is a conspiracy theory as old as WW2 itself. There was no paperwork. None. So, they would have you believe that the German government officials, train engineers, truck drivers, manufacturers, medical doctors, prison guards, and even other inmates were all in on it, that they were careful to cover up a supposed murder of 6 million people in bureaucratic language. [3]

Jews, who declared war on Germany were resettled to Palestine, the place they claimed they wanted to go.  Deported. Out. You cannot have formally declared enemies running loose on your soil. Neighborhoods, filled with known and self-declared enemies, were cordoned off and placed under guard.[4]


Perhaps the greatest example of this conspiracy theory is Theresienstadt, a transit camp in the former state of Czechoslovakia was a wonderful resettlement community. When the International Red Cross paid their visits in 1944, they had full access, including surprise visits and found residents planting flowers and decorating the barracks. They reported the people as "Happy" and "a model community" with "an abundance of medical care, food, entertainment, and housing space". There was plenty of film documentation of Theresienstadt as well, in which the residents were filmed going about their business, writing letters, swimming in the olympic sized swimming pool, eating meals, or watching movies.[5] All of that changed when the Allies purosely began bombing that facility's infrastructure, destoying food and medicine deliveries to the camp, and 7500 prisoners died in Theresienstadt. However about 100,000 people were moved through safely to Palestine, or elsewhere in the world. The holohoax and conspiracy theorists would have you believe that all the happy residents of Thereseinstadt were "acting" and that the international Red Cross was "in on it".[6]

Photo taken during the International Committee of the Red Cross visit to Theresienstadt, June 1944.

Professor Carto

Professor Willis Carto, an American Historian, founded the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) in 1978. Still operating out of California, the Institute convened conferences and published journals which challenged the stories and conspiracy theories, in order reveal the actual truth about the invented past that expose the false narratives of victimhood. Scholars, courts and academic institutions have praised IHR, but holocaust industry propagandists none-the-less continue to smear IHR, rather than confront its fact-based challenges.[7]

Jews around the world knowingly fabricated evidence of their own invented genocide:

  • to extract reparations from Germany
  • gain world sympathy
  • facilitate the theft of Palestinian land
  • create Israel
  • manipulate major institutions
  • manipulate governments
  • control Hollywood
  • control the media
  • control academia
  • make challenging the Holocaust illegal

The advent of the internet and free speech

Swimming pool at Novaky "death camp".

The advent of the internet has finally allowed people to speak their mind on this subject. Indeed, since the 1980s, Holocaust truth has migrated from academic journals and conferences to the social media of the Internet. Today, a younger generation of Holocaust truthers are active on social media forums like Facebook and Twitter, news websites, this FasciPedia platform, and the anonymous forums 4Chan and 8kun. Moreover, with the passage of time, historical distance has an effect. Truth, logic, and common sense outlives the fake stories, like those of bizarre and pointless experiments done at Nováky, pictured left.  They simply have not aged well. According to several polls, one in three people in Britain do not believe the Holocaust ever happened.[8]

The #Holohoax hashtag is a global phenomenon. It is especially popular on January 27, International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Critisism and suppression

Residents of these facilities could regularly send and recieve mail, including packages such as birthday gifts or other items.

In 2021, a petition entitled “No to a Holocaust memorial at the Place des Nations in Geneva!” was widely circulated by email, notably to Geneva’s elected officials. The headline on the petition is : “The Holocaust is a fraud.”[9][10]

T-shirts bearing "antisemitic slogans" pointing out that the Holocaust is a hoax are sold online through the Goyim Defense League’s video streaming website.[11]

In May 2019, British songwriter and folk singer Alison Chabloz was convicted by a London court of sending “offensive, indecent or menacing messages” after merely posting YouTube videos in which she referred, in one of her songs, to the Holocaust as “just a bunch of lies.”[12]

Quotebubble.png So how do we explain the fact that for forty-five years since the end of World War Two, we have all, internationally, globally, been beset by a common guilt: the idea that the human race was responsible for liquidating six million human beings in gas chambers? Well, the answer is: we have been subjected to the biggest propaganda offensive that the human race has ever known.
—David Irving, remarks presented to the Tenth International Revisionist Conference of the Institute for Historical Review, October 1990.

A healthy debate promotes understanding and brings TRUTH to the surface. But in judeo-Marxist societies, certain matters are closed for discussion. Holocaust propagandists refuse to discuss or debate the subject because the Holocaust narrative is based entirely on stories. It falls apart with even the slightest scrutiny. Bad stories that have not aged well. Instead it is made illegal to question the "holocaust". They have the power to do this, as is evident, because it is law in many places.


  1. obert Solomon Wistrich, “Introduction: Lying About the Holocaust,” in Robert Solomon Wistrich, ed., Holocaust Denial: The Politics of Perfidy(Jerusalem and Berlin: Hebrew University Magnus Press & De Gruyter, 2012)
  3. George Michael, Willis Carto and the American Far Right (Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2008).
  5. ADL, “In Iran, Holocaust Denial and Mockery are Alive and Well,” March 11, 2016,
  7. Holocaust Denial on Trial, Irving v. Penguin Books Ltd. and Deborah Lipstadt, Emory University Center for Digital Scholarship.
  8. .Julia Neuberger, Antisemitism: What It Is. What It Isn’t. Why It Matters. (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2019), 90-92.
  9. Une pétition négationniste contre un projet de mémorial de la Shoah à Genève, The Times of Israel France, August 17, 2021,
  10. Eric Felley, “Holocauste: une pétition négationniste dénoncée à Genève,” Le Matin, August 13, 2021,
  11. Gabe Stutman, Notorious Bay Area anti-Semite is selling Hitler T-shirts online, The Times of Israel, March 10, 2021
  12. Sam Sokol, “Holocaust-denying UK blogger says she’s been banned from France for 40 years,” The Times of Israel, Aug. 13, 2019,