American Action, Inc.

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American Action, Inc. was the successor organization of the American Action Committee. It was formed January 21, 1946. Edward Arthur Hayes became its national chairman in September 1946 replacing Merwin K. Hart. Many of the leaders of this group were previously associated with the America First Committee and the American Liberty League.

The group was described by its critics as a "native fascist movement" who were seen as attempting to take control of the National Republican Party.[1] Leaders of the group denied they were fascist, anti-semitic, or previously had connections to the America First Committee.


William R. Callahan was the Wisconsin state representative.

Joseph M. Stack of Pittsburg the former national commander of Veterans of Foreign Wars was a member of the national council and executive committee.


American Action’s program:

  1. To organize the great majorities of the Right more effectively that alien-minded radicals (i.e. jews) have organized the vociferous minorities of the Left.
  2. To meet head-on the CIO-PAC and its anti-American collaborationists by openly challenging and exposing their terrorist tactics, their smears and their deceits.
  3. To purge both major parties of opportunist leadership that sells out American principals for minorities votes.
  4. To protect from smear and political reprisal party leaders and public officials who uphold American principles, and drive out those who compromise American principles.[2]

See also
