Commission for Racial Equality

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The Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) was a non-departmental public body in the United Kingdom which aimed to address so-called racial discrimination and promote the Marxist ideals of racial equality. Its work has now been merged into the new Equality and Human Rights Commission.


The Commission was established by the Race Relations Act 1976, under a British Labour Party (socialist) government. Surprisingly, its first Chairman was a former Conservative Party Member of Parliament, David Lane, a barrister who had from 1959 to 1967 worked for Shell International Petroleum in their trade relations department.

The notorious Race Relations Act, which has now been superseded by the fake Conservative Party's Equality Act 2010, applied in England, Wales and Scotland. It did not apply in Northern Ireland, where the Race Relations (NI) Order 1997 applies. The CRE then set itself up as a Stasi group ostensibly to serve all non-indigenous Britons against "discrimination".

The mission statement of the Commission was: "We work for a just and integrated society, where diversity is valued. We use persuasion and our powers under the law to give everyone an equal chance to live free from fear of discrimination, prejudice and racism." The main goals of the CRE were:

  • To encourage greater integration and better relations between people from different ethnic groups.
  • To use its legal powers to help eradicate racial discrimination and harassment.
  • To work with government and public authorities to promote racial equality in all public services.
  • To support local and regional organisations, and employers in all sectors, in their efforts to ensure equality of opportunity and good race relations.
  • To raise public awareness of racial discrimination and injustice, and to win support for efforts to create a fairer and more equal society.

However the British population were never asked if they wanted an "equal society" or whether they wanted to integrate with aliens, "justly" or otherwise, nor do all people believe in "racial equality". Basically what the CRE were saying here was that they were going to force their Marxist ideas of "injustice", "integration" and "diversity" upon the indigenous Caucasian population and those who refuse to comply will suffer undemocratic persecution.

The CRE is also active in the usual left-wing propaganda, and organised the annual Race in the Media Awards (RIMA).[1]

When the CRE ceased to exist as a separate entity, its library was acquired by the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre at the University of Manchester.


  • In October 2004 the socialist Labour government decided that the Commission was to be merged into a new single Great Britain "equalities" body, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC). However, the CRE had proposed a new non-governmental public body to work alongside the EHRC to guide, advise and mediate on community relations, civic engagement and citizenship (presumably themselves).
  • Segregation. On 22 September 2005, in the aftermath of the Islamic terrorist July bombings in London, Trevor Phillips, the then Black head of the CRE gave a speech entitled "Sleepwalking to Segregation", warning that the UK was in danger of becoming a segregated nation.[2] For most normal people this was not news as virtually all aliens in the UK live in their own segregated communities and always have. Indeed when they have moved into indigenous areas, say Leicester or Southall outside London, the original population is quick to vacate and move away.
  • National identity cards. In its January 2005 report, the CRE opposed the UK government's proposed Identity Cards Bill on behalf of non-European immigrants and people of immigrant stock.


The CRE was run by up to 15 commissioners (some labelled them Commissars) (including the chairmen), who were appointed by the Home Secretary. At January 2007 the commissioners had been:

Trevor Phillips

Trevor Phillips, was a Black Socialist activist and local government politician whose family came to England from British Guiana. The Labour government made him head of the Commission for Racial Equality in 2003. He then continued as head of the EHRC.

Phillips' tenure as EHRC chairman was dogged by controversies and internal dissent. Under his leadership it was reported that six of the body's commissioners departed after expressing concerns about his leadership and probity and others were reported to be considering their position.[3][4]

In 2010 Phillips was investigated regarding alleged attempts to influence a committee (the Joint Committee on Human Rights) writing a report on him. He would have been the first non-parliamentarian in over half a century to be convicted of this offence, but the Lords Committee narrowly found that the allegations were "subjective, and that no firm factual evidence is presented in their support; nor are they borne out by the submissions by individual members of the JCHR."[5] He was cleared of contempt of Parliament and the House of Lords recommended that new and clearer guidance about the conduct of witnesses to Select Committees be issued.[6] However, he was told his behaviour was "inappropriate and ill-advised".[7]

Phillips completed his second term of office in September 2012, which, together with his term at the CRE made him the longest serving leader of any UK equality commission.

Controversy and opposition

When it was first established, there was much judicial and general concern about the very concept of such an organisation and the scope of the Commission's investigatory powers. They were attacked by, amongst others, the Freedom Association and the Conservative Monday Club[8][9] and those attacks have been continued by the Western Goals Institute[10] Conservative Democratic Alliance, Traditional Britain Group and most real conservative organisations in recent years, who described the CRE as a quasi-Bolshevik outfit.

In one particularly famous case, Lord Denning MR went so far as to compare the use by the CRE of its investigative powers to "the days of the inquisition".[11] Subsequent House of Lords decisions made it clear that the Commission had no power to launch investigations into employers' affairs where there had been no allegation of discrimination.[12]


  1. "Race in Britain: Race in the Media Awards", The Guardian.
  2. Dominic Casciani, "Analysis: Segregated Britain?" BBC News, 22 September 2005.
  3. Sam Jones and Afua Hirsch, "Rebels turn on Trevor Phillips' leadership of rights body", The Guardian, 21 July 2009
  4. Sam Jones and James Sturcke, "New resignation hits Equality and Human Rights Commission", The Guardian, 25 July 2009.
  7. broken cite news
  8. Monday Club Policy Paper, October 1982, by K. Harvey Proctor, M.P., & John R. Pinniger, M.A., "The Commission for Racial Equality"
  9. Monday World vol.2, no.5, October 1982, p.1: "Scrap the CRE!"
  10. Western Goals Political Briefing Paper for Conservatives, Feb 1999, p.2: "The Race Laws".
  11. Science Research Council v. Nasse [1979] QB 144.
  12. R v. CRE, ex parte Hillingdon Borough Council [1982] AC 779 and In re Prestige [1984] ICR 473.

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