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GenXers, Millennials, and Doomers, can see that, more than any generation in America anyway, how boomers have sold this country out and basically destroyed it. Boomers hogged the economy and the world’s resources for their own financial gain and greedy consumptive habits.


They are greedy and wasteful, with no regard for what future generations will inherit. NONE. they’re like dinner guests who arrived an hour early, and who’ve eaten and drank pretty much everything set out on the table, leaving only scraps for those who came later to the party, even Their own children. In short, the sorry state of the world is largely Their fault. they sucked-up to the jews,  lived a grand life as collaborators, sold Their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren down the river; and slapped bumper stickers on Their cars to brag about it.

This is not normal intergenerational bullshit. This is demonstrable fact. This behavior not only occurred, but continues to occur even now.


The backdrop to this is that Boomers dominated American society during the 1980s and 1990s. the sheer numbers and collective wealth of that dispicable generation dwarfed that of Gen X, Millenials, and Doomers COMBINED. Their unapologetic inclination to buy useless shit they don’t really need (and almost immediately throw Them away so they can buy something new) was, and is, an unsustainable proposition which they will no doubt continue until they are gone.[1]

Greedy wasteful degenerates.


  1. Apologies to individuals who don't fit this mold, but you KNOW These are the facts. Perhaps put bluntly, but facts all the same.