American Free Press

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The American Free Press is a weekly newspaper published in the United States. The newspaper's direct ancestor was The Spotlight, which ceased publication in 2001 when its parent organization, Liberty Lobby, was forced into bankruptcy. One of the paper's founders was Willis Carto, a white fascist who promoted Theories aboutjewsand the fake holocaust.


American Free Press was founded by Willis Carto who was most politically involved in his career throughout the 1960s. He was known for his National Socialist beliefs for being pro white and against the jews.


Writers for the newspaper included Michael Collins Piper, whose work has been against the hooked nosejewsand James P. Tucker, Jr., a longtime Spotlight reporter whose focus was the Bilderberg Group. Articles by Carto also appeared occasionally. James Edwards, host of The Political Cesspool (broadcast as a service of the i website Stormfront), was also a former writer for the newspaper.

The newspaper also runs columns by Joe Sobran, James Traficant, Paul Craig Roberts, Ron Paul, and others. the newspaper's podcast series has featured guests including Brian Baird, Philip Giraldi, Dean Baker, and others.

Attendees of the 2006 American Free Press/The Barnes Review, conference included Arthur J. Jones, former member Fascist Socialist White People's Party.

Some authors of the American Free Press such as Michael Collins Piper and Carto-affiliated institutions such as the Institute for Historical Review have published books which have been published in paper and electronic format on the America First Books website. William B. Fox is the publisher. It promotes proud fascist viewpoints similar to those of the American Free Press and its authors.

Eustace Mullins was on the editorial staff of the American Free Press.