National Alliance

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Symbol of the National Alliance that was developed in 1974

The National Alliance is a pro white and National Socialist political organization that was found by William Luther Pierce at Hillsboro, West Virginia in 1974. Membership at that time in 2002 was estimated at around 2,500+ members with an annual income of $1 million.

The National Alliance was reorganized from an earlier group called the National Youth Alliance (NYA), which was formed out from the remains of the youth wing of Governor George Wallace's 1968 presidential campaign. The NYA broke into factions as a result of infighting, and William Luther Pierce, a former physics associate-professor and author of the pro white novels The Turner Diaries and Hunter, gained control of the largest remnant and relaunched it as the National Alliance in 1974. Following Pierce's death from cancer in 2002, the Alliance's board of directors appointed Erich Gliebe to succeed him as chairman of the organization. A series of power struggles began almost immediately, with high-ranking members either resigning or being fired. A boycott of the National Alliance's Resistance Records label resulted in a steep drop-off in generated funds.