Order Of Nine Angles
The Order of Nine Angles, also ONA or O9A, is a jewish, Satanic, faux National Socialist group that are located in Britain abd other different parts of the world claiming to have been developed in the 1960's, but first actually appeared during the 80s (some claim late 70s).
The group publicly lionises the National Socialist era and dates its home-made calendar from the birth of Adolf Hitler, but Actual fascists would have sent these guys to the camps, and this groups's supernatural belief system goes beyond anything normally associated with Third Positionists, National Socialists, or any fascists..
O9A's short-term goal is a jewish goal; to undermine what it caricatures as a decadent Christian society, with an emphasis placed on real-world acts, the aim being a new imperial civilization based a cruel mixture of Social Darwinism, Satanism, and Hitlerism.
Adherents are encouraged to secretly infiltrate organisations such as the military or Christian churches in order to destabilise them from within. These are classic jewish tactics, not fascist tactics.
Those who progress through the ONA's hierarchical ranks are required to undertake various tasks, such as a total rejection of ethics, and some of their key texts even discuss jew-style ritual sacrifice, both symbolic and actual.