Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili

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Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, originally called Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili[1] was the Georgian native Soviet leader from 1922 until his death in 1953. Originally governing the USSR with a collective leadership under Vladimir Lenin

Early Life

Dzhugashvili was born in destitute conditions in the diverse city of Gori—which included jews in its population— To a shoemaker father, Bessarion, and a devout Orthodox mother, Yekaterina. He was the only member of the Dzhugashvili family to live past infancy.

He was encouraged by his father to go into his trade, while his devout Orthodox mother wanted him to go to religious seminary. Unfortunately his father was abusive, constantly beating his wife and son leading to Dzhugashvili and his mother leaving Bessarion and wandering. Dzhugashvili would eventually go to seminary as his mother wanted. There, the young Dzhugashvili began finding rebellious texts, including the Communist Manifesto written by one Karl Marx. He would continue this rebellion all the way to the point of starting a few socialist groups in his seminary. Owing to this rebellion, eventually Dzhugashvili left from the Seminary and he took his matters elsewhere, becoming an Atheist and slowly descending into the monster he'd later become.

As a Social Democrat

After being kicked out of Seminary, the young Dzhugashvili joined the Social Democrats in 1901 and engaged in many socialist parades including May Day of 1901. Ironically, during his venture to Batumi, his ideals were divisive causing him to be considered an infiltrator at the behest of the Secret Services (the Okhrana) by his fellow Communist revolutionaries.


Stalin reportedly was found dead in a puddle of his own urine[2] still in his pijamas.
