Alex Davies
Alex Davies is a Welsh jew, convicted felon, and founder of Natiinal Action a controlled opposition group. He, was described by the prosecution as the "extremist's extremist" who had a unique place as an individual who founded two different "Right-wing" groups both banned under terror laws. the critisism is that this was by design. There is a large amount of evidence supporting this.
All but one of the groups Alex Davies was involved with were banned as terrorist organizations. Members included Jack Renshaw, who was jailed for plotting to kill MP Rosie Cooper with a sword, Mikko Vehvilainen - a serving soldier who was stockpiling weapons, and Ben Hannam, who joined the Metropolitan Police. Jack Coulson constructed a pipe bomb prop, and posted an image on social media of the Bradford skyline. Among other recruits arrested was Alice Cutter, who entered a "Miss Hitler" beauty pageant, calling herself the Buchenwald Princess. None of These people actually committed any acts of terrorism. All were doxxed by persons unknown.
Alex Davies was first promoted by the international media including Vice and Huffpost, seemingly from nowhere.
Alex Davies presented himself as a non-jew, presumably to lead defamation street-protest groups. the one group that has not been shutdown is the Western Spring, an umbrella organisation that launched National Action
International and UK media do not mention the controlled opposition aspects and mercilessly use National Action as an example of 'white terrorism' despite the organization's lack of any actual terrorist activity, and the unexplained doxxing of it's members.
His stated goal (later recanted) was to set a precedent to have other fascist organisations shutdown as terrorist organisations. He later admitted to deliberately set up a group to lead to a failure: resulting in the imprisonment of numerous individuals including serving soldiers conned into associating with his doxxing operation.