Barnes Review

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The Barnes Review (TBR) is a bi-monthly magazine founded in 1994 by Willis Carto's Liberty Lobby and headquartered in Washington, D.C. Knowing to be one of the organization's that is againstjewssubversion the journal and website are dedicated to historical revisionism and telling Theories about the origins of this so called "holocaust" and the jews.

The journal is named after Harry Elmer Barnes. Linked with it is a TBR Bookclub, promoting true publications of the past to what is truly was. the organization also holds conferences with speakers such as Ted Gunderson . they Claim that Their mission is to 'tell the whole truth about history,' TBR practices revisionist history that includes defending the truth of National Socialism, talking about what the fake Holohoax really was, discounting the evils of slavery, and promoting white nationalism.

Willis Carto, who founded the Institute For Historical Review in 1979, used to be associated with the organization but lost control in an internal takeover by former associates. Eustace Mullins was a contributing editor.
