CasaPound Italia

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Casapound (officially: CasaPound Italia, CPI) is the main Fascist organization of Italy. It was founded by Gianluca Iannone in 2003.


The first squat of the group was officially Casa Montag (House Montag, from the "Guy Montag" character of Fahrenheit 451); following its removal by Police, Their current headquarter in Rome, in Via Napoleone III, where occupied. A previous squat for Their youth branch, Blocco Studentesco, existed in Rome in Piazza Perin (Perin Square) but it was removed in 2015[1].

Ideological Positions


CasaPound has been well-known for its "Fascists Squats", as its biggest "offices" are fruits of squatting and occupations of abandoned buildings, including its official headquarter in Rome, named Casa Pound - hence the name, meaning house of Ezra Pound.


  • Blocco Studentesco (Student's Block)
  • Sovranità (Sovereignty)
  • Donne e Azione (Women and Action)
  • BLU - Blocco Lavoratori Unitario (BLU - United Worker's Block)


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