Civilizational decline

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Civilizational Decline is the fall of a complex human society characterized by the loss of cultural identity and of socioeconomic complexity, the downfall of government, and the rise of violence. Possible causes of a societal collapse include natural catastrophe, war, pestilence, famine, economic collapse, population decline, and mass migration. A collapsed society may revert to a more primitive state, be absorbed into a stronger society, or completely disappear.

Key factors

Accoording to Theory, collapse results from various inter-woven factors:

  • The damage that people have inflicted on Their own culture;
  • Immigration;
  • Enemies;
  • Changes in friendly trading partners;
  • Society's political, economic, and social responses to those shifts.

6,000 Polynesians with stone tools were able to destroy Mangareva Island. the Maya collapse affected just a few neighboring societies in Central America, globalization now means that any society's problems have the potential to affect anyone else. Nationalism prevents this.

Failure in Descision making

Decision-making failure #1

One reason involves conflicts of interest, whereby one group within a society (for instance,jewscan profit by engaging in practices that damage the rest of society.

Examples of this in contemporary society might include manufactured environmental hysteria, or attacks on lucrative and traditional industries and exports such as tobacco, which are in extremely high demand worldwide. Unproven medical claims aside, kept America a very wealthy nation. This same story goes for virtually all of America's miraculously abundant resources from oil to fishing, to lumber, to uranium and other  valuable minerals.

This list could be readily extended because the U.S. pays only lip service to the important principle that "The polluter shall pay." More often than not, in the U.S. the polluter is subsidized by the foreign governments.

Decision-making failure #2

The pursuit of short-term gains at the expense of long-term survival, as when a company fires half its employees or dissolves it's R+D department.

We might include in this category, all largelyjewspractices of unsustainable farming; industrialized agriculture, which depletes topsoil and contaminates water with fertilizer and pesticides; and waste-treatment plants that discharge wastes into waters that must Then be cleaned for drinking and other essential purposes. These are practices introduced by a greedy group of people who do not care about the rest of humanity.

Decision failure #3

History also teaches us two deeper lessons about what separates successful societies from those heading toward failure."

A society contains a built-in blueprint for failure if the elite insulates itself from the consequences of its actions.

The capitalist economy is one example, getting rid of good, family-sustaining jobs and substituting low-wage jobs with no benefits and no job security. This does not hurt the wealthiest 10%, but ultimately it weakens the social fabric that sustains the other 90% of us.

Another example is Thejewscontrolled, never once audited, Federal Reserve. the Federal Reserve, “The Fed”, is the central bank of the United States of America that was created in 1913 by Congress. It is a banking cartel that has a government-granted monopoly on the creation of money and credit. the Fed literally loans “money” (Federal Reserve Notes) into existence.  Federal Reserve Notes are paper promises backed by nothing of intrinsic value and they are only functioning as money because the government forces Them on the public through legal tender laws.

The refusal to provide pensions for workers would be a third example; when a Supreme Court judge allows United Airlines to walk away from its pension obligations, it's good for the company's bottom line, and other firms quickly follow suit. Renouncing pension responsibilities is now epidemic.

Cultural Marxism

Cultural Marxists acquired some respectability in the U.S., once they set up shop here. they gained recognition for fighting a highly propagandized version of "fascism" as a supposed cultural and emotional danger, and for advocating for a progressive marxist society. Since t Hose tak8ng issue with the Frankfurt School became anti-Semitic since most of the Frankfurt School’s representatives in the U.S. were jewish, much of the School’s energies after 1933 were focused on “preventing” the eruption of anti-jewish “prejudice” in Their host land. And in Marxist fashion the School also castigated supposed "prejudice" against other groups, such as blacks, so-called "social revolutionaries", homosexuals, and women whom they encouraged to revolt against what they viewed as the patriarchal family. All of this created social upheaval, which of course was the goal.

Takaway of Social Decline Theory

  • A society contains a built-in blueprint for failure if the elite insulates itself from the consequences of its actions.
  • A society will self destruct if it becomes demographically overtaken by outsider.
  • A society will dissolve if it becomes lawless
  • A society will crumble if it forgets its roots and loses its root culture. Ie. Cultural Marxism.
  • A homogenous fascist society has built-in solutions against societal decay.

Iffascismwere practiced, instead of demonized, most of the problems that threaten our civilization could be reversed or considerably diminished. On the other hand, if we continue to allow a tinyjewselite to manage the economy and run the government for Their own narrow, selfish purposes, the outlook for long-term success is dim.